Climatology-Hydrology Information Sharing Pilot, Phase 1

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OGC’s Climatology-Hydrology Information Sharing Pilot, Phase 1 (CHISP-1) project was conducted as a Pilot initiative, a collaborative effort that applies technology elements from the OGC Technical Baseline and other (non-OGC) technologies to address Sponsor requirements and scenarios.

Project Objective

The objective of the CHISP-1 initiative was to develop an inter-disciplinary, inter-agency and international virtual observatory system for water resources information from observations in the U.S. and Canada, building on current networks and capabilities.


The Pilot was a collaborative effort that applied technology elements from the OGC Technical Baseline and other (non-OGC) technologies to Sponsor scenarios. The Pilot was conducted to “stress test” a set of OGC standards based on real-world application and experience. The majority of work for CHISP-1 was conducted from November 2012 through April 2013.

The  CHISP-1 Pilot Summary Engineering Report (ER) is available for public download at the link below. It provides an overview of the project with information about the project objectives, its sponsors, participants and schedule:

Technical details about the technology, services and use cases used to demonstrate the results achieved can be learned from the project’s technical Engineering Report available below.

Demonstration and Presentations

A live demonstration and presentation was conducted as a public webinar, hosted and broadcast by Directions Media, on 16 April 2013. Recording of the webinar is available for review by the public here:

A second CHISP-1 Demonstration was also conducted during the Hydrology DWG meeting on 19 June 2013 in Quebec City.

Slides presented to accompany the two demonstrations are available here:

Additional presentations about CHISP-1 are available here:

CHISP-1 Engineering Report

The CHISP-1 Engineering Report (ER) (OGC 13-053) has been prepared to record details of the technical architecture, description of the system components and functions, and lessons-learned along with recommendations for potential future work items. The ER is available for public download here:

Sponsoring Organizations

The CHISP-1 project was sponsored by the following organizations:

In addition, the following sponsors and organizations provided data and web services for the project:

Participating Organizations

The following OGC member organizations were participants in this project. Additionally, there were 7 other organizations that were observers of CHISP-1.

Significant Achievements

Pilot Use Cases and Functions

The CHISP-1 Initiative was designed to support these Use Case functions:

Hydrologic monitoring and alerting for historical and current stream flow and groundwater conditions.


Calculation and assessment of stream flow nutrient loading into the Great Lakes. 


Learn More

If your organization is interested in learning more about CHISP-1 or other OGC Interoperability Program Initiatives, please contact Lew Leinenweber (lleinenweber [at] opengeospatial [dot] org).

OGC Pilots are a collaborative effort that applies the OGC Technical Baseline and other (non-OGC) technologies to Sponsor scenarios.  In practice, a Pilot is where an OpenGIS specification – or set of OpenGIS specifications – can be “stress tested” and perfected based on real-world application and experience.  While some research may be done during a pilot in terms of refining, documenting, and distributing specifications and in terms of developing prototypical software that exercises the refined specification, this research is directed at improving existing specifications rather than in creating new specifications.

Learn more about the OGC’s Interoperability Program here:



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