European Location Framework

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The goal of this project is to deliver the European Location Framework (ELF) required to provide up-to-date, authoritative, interoperable, cross-border, reference geo-information for use by the European public and private sectors.This versatile cloud-based and cascade-supporting architecture provides a platform of INSPIRE compliant geo-information, harmonised at a cross-border and pan-European level.
The three-year project is supported by a consortium of 30 partners across Europe (including the OGC), whose work is co-funded by the European Commission.  It will foster the wider use of geo-information and enable the creation of innovative value-added services. The project’s proactive stimulation of content markets involves the creation of sample applications using thematic communities to make user-led developments by SMEs (both inside and outside the consortium).
The consortium is committed to continue to provide the ELF Platform beyond the end of the project, thus enabling growth in the use and re-use of trustworthy, accurate and re-usable official reference geo-information.  It therefore aims to create a sustainable framework for re-use of authoritative public sector reference geo-information at multiple levels of detail.
The objectives of the project are to:
• add value to INSPIRE data by contributing to cross border harmonisation
• build a high performance platform and associated cloud services that support multiple national feeds and a wide spectrum of value-added services
• demonstrate the usability of the ELF platform and cloud services for key European policy areas and other users including SMEs
• develop sample applications in the sectors of Health Statistics, Emergency Mapping, Real Estate and Insurance
• integrate of 3rd party thematic datasets and National Spatial Data Infrastructures (particularly extending beyond the INSPIRE themes provided by NMCAs) for service implementations based on specific user needs
• provide a user friendly interface to find, view and compare the geo-information
• extend the successful ‘proof of concept’ implementation within the ESDIN project
The project represents a total project investment of €13M over the three year term of the project.


For more information on the ELF Project then please refer to the ELF White Paper


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