Smart City Interoperability Reference Architecture (SCIRA)

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In The News

A SCIRA Pilot operational exercise was conducted on January 16, 2020 in St. Louis, Missouri. A summary of the final demonstration event in St. Louis was published in Geoconnexion Magazine under the title Bringing It All Together [PDF link].

The SCIRA Pilot Engineering Report is published here.

Project Overview

SCIRA has been a project of the OGC Innovation Program sponsored by the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Science & Technology (S&T)

Purpose: Assess the state of emerging standards for the Smart Cities in the area of public safety and the development of an open architecture for interoperable Internet of Things (IoT) sensors.

Problem Statement: Lack of consensus on both a common language/taxonomy and smart city architectural principles results in standards that are divergent, perhaps even contradictory; insufficient interoperability and scalability of underlying Internet of Things (IoT), and Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) technologies that provide the foundation for many smart cities applications.

Project Objective: Research, design, and test a Smart Cities Interoperability Reference Architecture (SCIRA) as an interoperable framework that integrates commercial proprietary IoT sensors for public safety applications at the community level.

Scope of Work: Develop an interoperable requirements-based architecture framework for Smart Cities in support of the public safety sector.


For a more detailed overview of the project and its goals, a summary of the final demonstration event in St. Louis was published in Geoconnexion Magazine under the title Bringing It All Together [PDF link]. Additionally, Meeting of the Minds published an article on the early progress and scope of the SCIRA Project entitled ‘Technology Implementation Guides for Smarter Cities’.


Project Tasks:


For further information contact Josh Lieberman, jlieberman at ogc dot org



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