Technical Committee Policy Directives

Policy Directives Database

This database captures OGC Policies and Directives related to the proper writing of technical content in an OGC standards document as directed by the Technical and Executive Planning Committees. The database is subject to change without notice. These Policy Directives are official positions of the OGC membership.
Visit: Policy Directives Database

Policies Related to OGC Standards

This document provides Best Practices and Standards development guidance that the Members have discussed and approved over the years. These Best Practices have not been captured in other formal OGC documents other than meeting notes.
Download:  Policies Related to OGC Standards (06-135r11)

The Specification Model — A Standard for Modular specifications

This standard contains requirements for writing standards to be used for any document whose eventual purpose is the specification of requirements for software, services or data structures.
Download:  The Specification Model – A Standard for Modular specifications (08-131r3)

Technical Committee Policies and Procedures: MIME Media Types for GML

This document provides guidance on GML MIME type specification. An Internet media type, originally called a MIME type after Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions and sometimes a Content-type after the name of a header in several protocols whose value is such a type, is a two-part identifier for file formats on the Internet. The identifiers were originally defined in RFC 2046 for use in e-mail sent through SMTP , but their use has expanded to other protocols such as HTTP , RTP and SIP .
Download:  Technical Committee Policies and Procedures: MIME Media Types for GML (09-144r2)

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