Discussion papers

Discussion Papers present topics and technology issues being considered in the Working Groups of the OGC Technical Committee. Discussion Papers serve as a means to advance new topics and promote interoperability concepts within the geospatial industry. These papers do not represent the official position of the Open Geospatial Consortium nor of the OGC Technical Committee. Schemas for some of these documents can be at the Discussion Paper Schema Repository.

Document Title (click to view/download) OGC Doc.# Editor Publication Date
Urban Digital Twins: Integrating Infrastructure, natural environment and people24-025Carsten Rönsdorf, Fabrice Servant, H.C. Gruler, Nick Giannias, Kyoungsook Kim, Zubran Soleiman, Dim2024-07-02
This position paper is aimed at city officials and domain professionals working in an urban data context. Its goal is to clarify the concept ...Click to continue reading
OGC Guidance for the Development of Model-Driven Standards23-040Ronald Tse, Carsten Roensdorf, Allan Jamieson, Nick Nicholas, Jeffrey Lau2024-07-01
This OGC Discussion Paper provides guidelines on how to create a specification of a conceptual model through use of a Unified Modeling Langua...Click to continue reading
Mobility Data Science Discussion Paper23-056Song WU, Mahmoud SAKR2024-01-29
Almost every activity in our modern life leaves a digital trace, typically including location and time. Either captured by a sensor, manually...Click to continue reading
Discussion paper for Publish-Subscribe workflow in OGC APIs23-013Tom Kralidis, Mark Burgoyne, Steve Olson, Shane Mill2023-10-26
OGC APIs provide Web based capabilities which are typically based on polling for collection resource updates (new features/records items, cov...Click to continue reading
Establishing the Framework of Disaster Early Warning Mechanisms - A Case Study of Slope Disaster23-022r1Hsiao-Yuan (Samuel) Yin, Yi-Chia (Vincent) Lin, Chih-Wei (Will) Kuan, Cheng-Yan Tsai, Lok-Man (Lawre2023-08-22
The impact of global climate change has led to a rise in the frequency of natural disasters in numerous countries resulting in substantial ...Click to continue reading
CDB X Conceptual Model with Prototyping Examples and Recommendations20-092David Graham, Carl Reed2022-08-05
This Discussion Paper documents the results and recommendations of the rapid prototyping activities conducted during the 3D Geospatial Series...Click to continue reading
Extensions of IndoorGML 1.1 - Indoor Affordance Spaces21-010r2Taehoon Kim, Kyoung-Sook Kim, Jiyeong Lee, Ki-Joune Li2022-05-06
The OGC IndoorGML standard provides a fundamental data model for representing indoor spaces as spatial, topological, and semantic features....Click to continue reading
The HDF5 profile for labeled point cloud data21-077Taehoon Kim, Wijae Cho, Kyoung-Sook Kim2022-05-06
Point cloud data are unstructured three-dimensional sample points to express the basic shape of objects and spaces. However, it is challengin...Click to continue reading
OGC Conceptual Modeling Discussion Paper21-041r2Sam Meek2022-01-24
Historically, conceptual modeling was utilized sporadically within the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC). Models were used in OGC standards ...Click to continue reading
OGC: Towards Data Cube Interoperability21-067Ingo Simonis2021-10-07
Data cubes, multidimensional arrays of data, are used frequently these days, but differences in design, interfaces, and handling of temporal ...Click to continue reading
OGC Technical Paper on the Standards Landscape for Building Data21-037Josh Lieberman2021-07-02
Data about buildings and building structures play roles at scales from neighborhoods to nations in creating, protecting, regulating, and unde...Click to continue reading
Standardizing a Framework for Spatial and Spectral Error Propagation20-088K. Navulur, M.C. Abrams2021-02-15
This OGC Discussion Paper presents a proposal that recommends the development of Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) standards that define a fra...Click to continue reading
Built environment data standards and their integration: an analysis of IFC, CityGML and LandInfra19-091r2Thomas Gilbert, Carsten Rönsdorf, Jim Plume, Scott Simmons, Nick Nisbet, Hans-Christoph Gruler, Thom2021-02-11
Demand for digital representations of built environments is accelerating and can only be satisfied through greater software inter...Click to continue reading
An Extension Model to attach Points of Interest into IndoorGML20-054r1Kyoung-Sook Kim, Jiyeong Lee2021-01-19
The scope of this discussion paper is to investigate types of Point of Interest (POI) data in indoor space and propose a conceptual model t...Click to continue reading
QB4ST: RDF Data Cube extensions for spatio-temporal components16-142Rob Atkinson2020-09-17
This document describes an extension to the existing RDF Data Cube ontology to support specification of key metadata required to interpret spatio-te...Click to continue reading
Publishing and Using Earth Observation Data with the RDF Data Cube and the Discrete Global Grid System16-125Dmitry Brizhinev, Sam Toyer, Kerry Taylor2020-09-17
This document describes how dense geospatial raster data can be represented using the W3C RDF Data Cube (QB) ontology [vocab-data-cube] in concert w...Click to continue reading
Overview of the CoverageJSON format16-145Jon Blower, Maik Riechert, Bill Roberts2020-09-17
This Note describes CoverageJSON, a data format for describing coverage data in JavaScript Object Notation (JSON), and provides an overvi...Click to continue reading
OGC Body of Knowledge - Version 0.1 - Discussion Paper19-077Gobe Hobona2020-05-04
The OGC Body of Knowledge is a structured collection of concepts and related resources that can be found in the OGC library. It is, in effect...Click to continue reading
An Experiment to Link Geo-Referenced Multimedia and CityGML Features19-090r1Ki-Joune Li, Sung-Hwan Kim, Yong-Bok Choi2020-04-17
In this paper, we present an experiment on linking geo-referenced images and videos with CityGML objects. Data models are propose...Click to continue reading
CityGML Urban Planning ADE for i-Urban Revitalization20-000r1Nobuhiro Ishimaru, Chikako Kurokawa, Yuichi Tanaka, Tomohisa Oishi, Kentaro Akahoshi, Tatjana Kutzne2020-04-17
This OGC Discussion Paper introduces the CityGML Urban Planning Application Domain Extension (ADE) published by the Japanese gove...Click to continue reading
Anchor Node Extension in IndoorGML - Seamless Navigation between Indoor and Outdoor Space19-004Kyoung-Sook Kim, Jiyeong Lee2019-12-11
This OGC discussion paper provides an extension module of OGC Indoor Geography Markup Language (IndoorGML) for the seamless navigation betwee...Click to continue reading
Proposed OGC GeoPackage Enhancements19-047Jeff Yutzler2019-11-25
The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) GeoPackage Encoding Standard was developed for the purpose of providing an open, standards-based, platfo...Click to continue reading
Discussion Paper - JSON Encodings for EO Coverages19-042r1Lewis John McGibbney2019-11-11
This discussion paper documents and concludes one year (2018-2019) of work undertaken by a National Aeronautics and Space Administration (N...Click to continue reading
OGC CDB, Leveraging GeoPackage Discussion Paper18-077r2Jay Freeman, Kevin Bentley, Ronald Moore, Samuel Chambers, Glen Quesenberry2019-01-20
This paper offers the results of research, design, and prototype efforts to present the OGC standards working group an approach t...Click to continue reading
GeoDCAT-AP18-001r1Lieven Raes, Danny Vandenbroucke, Tomas Reznik2019-01-09
Improving discoverability of open geo-data and information is vital to increasing the use of these data in- and outside the geosp...Click to continue reading
OGC SensorThings API Tasking Core Discussion Paper18-056Steve Liang, Tania Khalafbeigi, Kan Luo2018-12-18
This discussion paper offers descriptions and provides JSON examples of TaskingCapabilities and Tasks for the SensorThings Application Programming Interface (API).
GeoPackage / OWS Context Harmonization Discussion Paper18-037r1Jeff Yutzler2018-10-29
This OGC discussion paper presents an approach to harmonize the OGC GeoPackage and OWS Context standards through a set of extensio...Click to continue reading
Geospatial Standardization of Distributed Ledger Technologies18-041r1Gobe Hobona, Bart De Lathouwer2018-10-09
This discussion paper is organized as follows. Background: This section introduces DLT and blockchain, as well as the structure...Click to continue reading
OGC Moving Features Encoding Extension: netCDF16-114r2Martin Desruisseaux2018-04-15
The netCDF Moving Features encoding extension is a summary of conventions that supports efficient exchange of simple moving featur...Click to continue reading
Ensuring Quality of User Experience with OGC Web Mapping Services - Discussion Paper17-049C. Mitchell, M. Gordon, T. Kralidis2018-03-02
This paper is intended to identify usability issues associated with use of OGC web mapping services that affect the quality of e...Click to continue reading
Technical report from the DGIWG Portrayal Technical Panel testing of SLD (1.1.0) for OGC17-059Lars Schylberg, Lubos Belka2017-10-30
The DGIWG Portrayal Technical Panel (DPTP) has been investigating how to standardize the portrayal of military context symbology withi...Click to continue reading
Standardized Information Models to Optimize Exchange, Reusability and Comparability of Citizen Science Data (SWE4CS)16-129Ingo Simonis, Rob Atkinson2017-03-31
This discussion paper describes a data model for the standardized exchange of citizen science sampling data. To do that it applie...Click to continue reading
OGC® Web Query Service 14-121r2Peter Baumann2016-12-22
This OGC Web Query Service (WQS) defines a service interface for retrieving any kind of subset of information provided by the ser...Click to continue reading
Comparing CityGML and IndoorGML based on a use case at Lotte World Mall16-012r1Ki-Joune Li, Hyung-Gyu Ryu, Hak-Cheol Kim, Jun Hee Lee, Joo-Ho Lee2016-12-22
This OGC Discussion Paper provides a comparison between the OGC CityGML and IndoorGML standards. The goals and approaches of thes...Click to continue reading
Spatial Data on the Web Use Cases & Requirements15-074r2Frans Knibbe, Alejandro Llaves2016-10-25
This document describes use cases that demand a combination of geospatial and non-geospatial data sources and techniques. It underpins the collaborative work of the Spatial Data on the Web Working Groups operated by both W3C and OGC.
OGC Benefits of Indoor Location - Use Case Survey of Lessons Learned and Expectations 16-084Giuseppe Conti, Fabio Malabocchia, Ki-Joune Li, George Percivall, Kirk Burroughs, Stuart Strickland2016-08-01
Indoor location technologies are enjoying and increasing market success. Technologies in the market have achieved maturity and ha...Click to continue reading
AHA-ML (Active and Healthy Ageing Mark-up Language) an O&M profile - Discussion Paper15-116Giuseppe Conti, Fabio Roncato2016-04-26
This document provides a proposal for a new O&M (Observations and Measurements) profile focused on Active and Healthy Ageing, cal...Click to continue reading
Implications for an OGC GeoPackage Symbology Encoding Standard15-122r1Randolph Gladish2016-04-26
The GeoPackage Standards Working Group (SWG) presents a discussion of symbology encapsulation for conveying presentation information for vector features contained within in a GeoPackage.
Use of Geography Markup Language (GML) for Aviation Data12-028r1OGC Aviation Domain Working Group2016-03-24
The document provides guidelines for the use of GML and a GML profile description in the scope of aeronautical data encoding, in...Click to continue reading
Use Cases and Applications of the OGC Moving Features Standard: The Requirements for a Moving Feature API15-096Akinori Asahara, Hideki Hayashi, Carl Reed2016-01-18
This OGC Discussion Paper provides examples of some actual and potential geospatial applications using the OGC Moving Features en...Click to continue reading
OGC Observations and Measurements – JSON implementation15-100r1Simon J D Cox, Peter Taylor 2015-12-09
This Discussion Paper specifies a potential OGC Candidate Standard for a JSON implementation of the OGC and ISO Observations and ...Click to continue reading
A Use-Case for Mobile Location Services with IndoorGML - Indoor Navigation for Visually Impaired People15-075r1Ki-Joune Li, Hyung-Gyu Ryu, Taehoon Kim, and Hack-Cheol Kim2015-11-19
This OGC Discussion Paper provides a navigation use-case for the use of IndoorGML for mobile location services (MLS). In particul...Click to continue reading
Envisioning a Tiled Elevation Extension for the OGC GeoPackage Encoding Standard15-039Jeff Yutzler2015-08-19
The GeoPackage Standards Working Group (SWG) presents a vision for storing tiled gridded elevation data in a GeoPackage.
OGC GeoPackage Plugfest Discussion Paper15-012r2Jeff Yutzler2015-08-19
This OGC discussion paper presents the results of the GeoPackage Plugfest. In this initiative, participants had the opportunity ...Click to continue reading
Spatial Data on the Web Use Cases & Requirements15-074Frans Knibbe, Alejandro Llaves2015-07-22
This document describes use cases that demand a combination of geospatial and non-geospatial data sources and techniques. It underpins the collaborative work of the Spatial Data on the Web Working Groups operated by both W3C and OGC.
OGC Web Feature Service (WFS) Temporality Extension12-027r3Timo Thomas2014-07-16
This OGC discussion paper provides a proposal for a temporality extension for the WFS 2.0 and FES 2.0 standard. It is based on t...Click to continue reading
OGC OpenSearch Extension for Correlated Search13-068Pedro Gonçalves2014-02-24
This OGC discussion paper presents an OpenSearch query protocol extension for the execution of correlation queries between diffe...Click to continue reading
OGC HY_Features: a Common Hydrologic Feature Model11-039r3Irina Dornblut, Rob Atkinson2014-02-24
Common semantics support the reference of features to the concept they represent and the integration of data proceed using the se...Click to continue reading
OGC Geospatial eXensible Access Control Markup Language (GeoXACML) 3.0 GML 3.2.1 Encoding Extension13-101Andreas Matheus2013-11-06
This standard defines the version 3.0 of a valid GML 3.2.1 geometry encoding as defined in Geography Markup Language (GML) simple...Click to continue reading
OGC GeoXACML and XACML Policy Administration Web Service (PAWS)13-099Jan Herrmann, Andreas Matheus2013-11-06
This specification defines the interfaces of the OGC (Geo)XACML Policy Administration Web Service (OGC (Geo)XACML PAWS or simply ...Click to continue reading
OGC Geospatial eXensible Access Control Markup Language (GeoXACML) 3.0 Core13-100Andreas Matheus 2013-11-06
This standard defines the version 3.0 of a geospatial extension to the OASIS eXtensible Access Control Markup Language (XACML) Ve...Click to continue reading
WaterML2.0 - part 2: Ratings, Gaugings and Sections Discussion Paper13-021r3Peter Taylor2013-06-18
This document describes an information model for exchanging rating tables, or rating curves, that are used for the conversion of...Click to continue reading
NetCDF Uncertainty Conventions 11-163Lorenzo Bigagli, StefanoNativi2013-01-17
This Discussion Paperproposes a set of conventions for managing uncertainty information within the netCDF3 data model and format: the NetCDF Uncertainty Conventions (NetCDF-U).
OGC Standard for Moving Features; Requirements12-117r1Ryosuke Shibasaki2012-12-06
Applications using moving feature data, typically on vehicles and pedestrians, have recently been rapidly increasing. Innovative...Click to continue reading
WaterML 2.0 - Timeseries - NetCDF Discussion Paper12-031r2Doug Palmer2012-07-12
This discussion paper investigates the possible uses of NetCDF as a representation of WaterML timeseries data. The work is largel...Click to continue reading
Web Processing Service Best Practices Discussion Paper12-029Bastian Schäffer2012-04-04
The following document contains best practices for identifying input data formats for the OGC WPS 1.0.0. It was created due to a lack of interoperability between different WPS implementation based on non-standardized input identifiers.
WS-Agreement Application Profile for OGC Web Services11-094Bastian Baranski2011-11-24
This document specifies a) XML schemas for providing functional and non-functional service descriptions of OGC Web Services (OWS)...Click to continue reading
OGC® Event Service - Review and Current State11-088r1Johannes Echterhoff, Thomas Everding2011-11-23
This Discussion Paper provides information on what has so far been called “Event Service” at OGC. The presented work is supporte...Click to continue reading
*FL Starfish Fungus Language for Sensor Description 11-058r1Ingo Simonis, Chrsitian Malewski2011-07-08
The Starfish Fungus Language was developed in response to the high number of complaints addressing issues with the OGC standard S...Click to continue reading
License-Based Access Control11-018Rüdiger Gartmann, Bastian Schäffer2011-03-30
This Discussion Paper proposes model for license-based access control to SOAP services, based on OASIS SAML 2.0. This approach is...Click to continue reading
Guidance on the Aviation Metadata Profile10-196r1OGC Aviation Domain Working Group2011-03-28
This paper explains how to map the Requirements for Aviation Metadata into a metadata profile.
Requirements for Aviation Metadata10-195OGC Aviation Domain Working Group2011-03-28
This OGC Discussion Paper details the user requirements for metadata in the aviation domain. The requirements are at a high-level.
Requirements and Space-Event Modeling for Indoor Navigation10-191r1Claus Nagel, Thomas Becker, Robert Kaden, Ki-Joune Li, Jiyeong Lee, Thomas H. Kolbe2010-12-11
This OpenGIS® Discussion Paper presents a Multilayered Space-Event Model for indoor navigation which simultaneously addresses rou...Click to continue reading
Sensor Observable Registry (SOR) Discussion Paper09-112r1Simon Jirka, Arne Bröring, Daniel Nüst2010-10-12
This Discussion paper introduces the Sensor Observable Registry (SOR), a web service interface for managing the definitions of phenomena measured by sensors as well as exploring semantic relationships between these phenomena.
Sensor Instance Registry Discussion Paper 10-171Simon Jirka, Daniel Nüst2010-10-12
This Discussion paper introduces the Sensor Instance Registry (SIR), a web service interface for managing the metadata and status...Click to continue reading
Sensor Interface Descriptors10-134Arne Broering, Stefan Below2010-06-30
This document presents the Sensor Interface Descriptor (SID) schema that enables the declarative description of sensor interfaces...Click to continue reading
Harmonising Standards for Water Observation Data - Discussion Paper09-124r2Peter Taylor2010-06-30
This document investigates the potential for harmonisation of water data standards, with the goal of developing an OGC compliant ...Click to continue reading
sensorML Extension Package for ebRIM Application Profile09-163r2Frédéric Houbie, Fabian Skivée, Simon Jirka2010-04-02
This document describes the mapping of description of sensors using SensorML specification 1.0 [OGC 07-000] to an ebRIM structure...Click to continue reading
SANY Fusion and Modelling Architecture10-001Stuart E. Middleton2010-03-22
This document reports the considered SANY best practice for using OGC standards to provide generic fusion processing services. Concrete case studies are documented and a detailed appendix is provided with example of XML request and responses.
Web View Service Discussion Paper09-166r2Benjamin Hagedorn2010-02-01
The Web View Service (WVS) is an extendable, interactive, image-based portrayal service for complex three-dimensional geodata suc...Click to continue reading
Draft for Candidate OpenGIS® Web 3D Service Interface Standard09-104r1Arne Schilling, Thomas H. Kolbe2010-01-20
A Web 3D Service (W3DS) is a portrayal service for three-dimensional geodata, such as landscape models, city models, textured bui...Click to continue reading
GeoRM Role Model09-123Roland M. Wagner2009-10-13
The scope of this document is the update and the definition of GeoRM roles as a sub model of the GDI.NRW reference model (process model and architecture model). Key relationships are defined between these roles.
Sensor Observable Registry Discussion Paper09-112Simon Jirka, Arne Bröring2009-10-13
This Discussion paper introduces the Sensor Observable Registry (SOR), a web service interface for managing the definitions of phenomena measured by sensors as well as exploring semantic relationships between these phenomena.
CF-netCDF Encoding Specification09-122Ben Domenico2009-10-13
NetCDF (network Common Data Form) is a data model for array-oriented scientific data, a freely distributed collection of access l...Click to continue reading
3D-Symbology Encoding Discussion Draft09-042Steffen Neubauer, Alexander Zipf2009-10-13
This document present an extension of the Symbology Encoding (SE) /Styled Layer Descriptor (SLD) specifications into 3D as a separate profile.
Grid coverage Coordinate Reference Systems (CRSs)09-085r2Arliss Whiteside2009-10-13
This document summarizes the types of Coordinate Reference Systems (CRSs) that are recommended for use with grid (including image...Click to continue reading
OpenSearch Geospatial Extensions Draft Implementation Standard09-084r1Jo Walsh, Pedro Gonçalves, Andrew Turner2009-10-13
The OpenSearch specification originates in a community effort built around Amazon's A9.com. It was intended to allow syndication ...Click to continue reading
Specification of the Sensor Service Architecture (SensorSA)09-132r1Thomas Usländer (Ed.)2009-10-02
Specification of a generic service-oriented architecture integrating the access to, the management and the processing of sensor-r...Click to continue reading
Uses and summary of Topic 2 - Spatial referencing by coordinates09-076r3Arliss Whiteside2009-09-14
This document first discusses the uses for data sharing, and then provides a brief summary, of OGC Abstract Specification Topic 2...Click to continue reading
OGC® Catalogue Services - OWL Application Profile of CSW09-010Kristin Stock2009-07-27
This document describes an Application Profile for the Web Ontology Language (OWL) [W3C OWL] for CSW. It is intended t...Click to continue reading
Sensor Web Enablement Application for Debris Flow Monitoring System in Taiwan09-082Hsu-Chun James Yu, Zhong-Hung Lee, Cai-Fang Ye, Lan-Kun Chung, Yao-Min Fang2009-07-27
This application document describes: 1) What is a Debris Flow Monitoring System. 2) How SWE implements in Debris Flow Monitoring System. 3) Tutorial for SWE developers.
Web Coverage Service (WCS) 1.1 extension for CF-netCDF 3.0 encoding09-018Ben Domenico, Stefano Nativi2009-04-08
This extension of the WCS standard specifies an Information Community data model with the related encoding that may optionally be...Click to continue reading
Uncertainty Markup Language (UnCertML)08-122r2Matthew Williams, Dan Cornford, Lucy Bastin & Edzer Pebesma2009-04-08
The Uncertainty Markup Language (UncertML) is an XML encoding for the transport and storage of information about uncertain quantities, with emphasis on quantitative representations based on probability theory.
GML 3.2 implementation of XML schemas in 07-00008-127Simon Cox2008-08-25
Event Pattern Markup Language (EML)08-132Thomas Everding, Johannes Echterhoff2008-11-05
The Event Pattern Markup Language (EML) allows one to describe event patterns for event (stream) processing and analysis. It can ...Click to continue reading
OpenGIS® Sensor Event Service Interface Specification08-133Johannes Echterhoff, Thomas Everding2008-10-10
The Sensor Event Service (SES) provides operations to register sensors at the service application and let clients subscribe for o...Click to continue reading
OWS-5 KML Engineering Report07-124r2Chris Holmes2008-09-12
This Discussion Paper is about the use of KML, an encoding used to express geographic annotation and visualization on existing or...Click to continue reading
OWS-5 GeoProcessing Workflow Architecture Engineering Report07-138r1Michael Werling2008-09-12
This OGC® document describes the Workflow Architecture developed in support of Geoprocessing Workflow and Sensor Web Enablement t...Click to continue reading
OWS-5 Conflation Engineering Report07-160r1Pete Brennen2008-09-12
This OGC Engineering Report describes the process of conflation, outlines a framework for conflation and conflation rules service...Click to continue reading
OWS-5 WCS JPIP Coverage Subsetting Engineering Report07-169Steven Keens2008-09-12
This OGC document represents an OWS-5 SWE thread Engineering Report on sub-setting georeferencable imagery. It discusses how to handle georeferencable imagery in the JPEG2000 format as well as using JPIP within the WCS-T and the SWE set of services.
OWS-5 Earth Observation Web Processing Services (WPS) Engineering Report08-058r1Stefan Falke2008-09-12
This document serves to describe the use of web processing services and the OGC Web Processing Service (WPS) in earth observation...Click to continue reading
OWS 5 Engineering Report: Supporting Georeferenceable Imagery08-071Mike Botts2008-09-12
The scope of this document is to capture considerations and recommendations on approaches for supporting georeferenceable imagery...Click to continue reading
Summary of the OGC Web Services, Phase 5 (OWS-5) Interoperability Testbed08-073r2Jessica Cook, Raj Singh2008-09-12
The OGC Web Services, Phase 5 (OWS-5) Testbed was an initiative of the OGC Interoperability Program (IP). The primary focus of an IP activity is to collaboratively extend and demonstrate OGC‘s baseline for geospatial interoperability.
OWS-5 GeoRM License Broker Discussion Paper08-076Rüdiger Gartmann2008-09-12
This document describes a License Broker Service (LB-Service) as specified and implemented in the OWS-5 test bed. The LB-Service ...Click to continue reading
OWS5: OGC Web feature service, core and extensions08-079John Herring2008-09-12
This standard specifies the behavior of a service that provides transactions on and access to geographic features in a manner ind...Click to continue reading
OWS-5 Considerations for the WCTS Extension of WPS08-054r1Max Martinez2008-08-20
This document details considerations for using the WPS specification to define a standard coordinate transformation service.
OWS-5 CITE Summary Engineering Report08-084r1Jen Marcus2008-08-20
This document summarizes work completed in the OWS5 Compliance & Interoperability Test & Evaluation thread. This document is applicable to the OGC Compliance Test Program.
OGC OWS-5 Engineering Report on WCPS07-166r2Peter Baumann2008-08-04
This document represents the Engineering Report for the WCPS activity within the OWS-5 SWE thread. It summarizes tasks and outcomes.
OGC® OWS-5 ER: GSIP Schema Processing08-078r1Clemens Portele2008-07-08
This OGC® document describes and discusses the OWS-5 enhancements in the process of creating application schemas in support of th...Click to continue reading
OGC® OWS-5 Engineering Report: Local MSD Implementation Profile (GML 3.2.1)08-077Clemens Portele2008-07-02
This document contains a data content specification for Local Mission Specific Data (MSD) and is based on the GEOINT Structure Im...Click to continue reading
Feature Type Catalogue Extension Package for ebRIM (ISO/TS 15000-3) Profile of CSW 2.007-172r1Kristin Stock2008-05-13
This document describes a Feature Type Catalogue extension package for the OGC® ebRIM (ISO/TS 15000-3) Profile of CSW 2.0 [OGC 05...Click to continue reading
OWS-5 Data View Architecture Engineering Report07-163David Rosinger, Stan Tillman2008-05-02
This OGC document presents a summary of the Data View Architecture experiment conducted as part of the Geo-Processing Workflow (G...Click to continue reading
OGC® Canadian Geospatial Data Infrastructure WFS and GML Best Practices08-002Peter Rushforth2008-04-29
This document gives guidelines and recommendations for administrators, users and implementers of Web Feature Services serving Geography Markup Language encoded response documents.
OGC® Loosely Coupled Synchronization of Geographic Databases in the Canadian Geospatial Data Infrastructure Pilot08-001Raj Singh2008-04-29
This Discussion Paper documents results from the Interoperability Program CGDI Pilot and describes a suite of services that enabl...Click to continue reading
OGC® Canadian Geospatial Data Infrastructure Summary Report08-000Raj SIngh2008-04-29
This report summarizes the work performed under the Canadian Geospatial Data Infrastructure Pilot. The purpose of this pilot was ...Click to continue reading
OWS 5 SOAP/WSDL Common Engineering Report08-009r1Bastian Schaeffer2008-02-21
This OGC document reports the results achieved in the OWS5 GPW-SOAP/WSDL thread which is focused on creating general recommendations and guidelines for WSDL/SOAP support to existing OGC Web Services.
FedEO Pilot Engineering Report07-152Corentin Guillo2008-01-21
This document was developed during the FedEO - GEO AIP initiative of the OGC. It was contributed by the organizations involved in...Click to continue reading
Wrapping OGC HTTP-GET/POST Services with SOAP07-158R2008-01-02
Discussion of how to wrap OGC HTTP-GET/POST Services with SOAP
OGC Web Services Summaries07-095r2Arliss Whiteside2007-11-14
This document provides brief and consistent summaries of several OGC Web Service interface specifications that serve data.
Web Coordinate Transformation Service07-055r1Arliss Whiteside, Markus U. M2007-10-09
This Discussion Paper describes an interface specification for a web coordinate transformation service that now builds on version 1.1 of the OWS Common Specification [OGC 06-121r3]. All versions of this document specify an
Compliance Test Engine Interoperability Program Report07-012Jennifer Marcus, Chuck Morris2007-09-04
As a work item in the OWS4/Conformance and Interoperability Test and Evaluation (CITE) project, Northrop Grumman Information Tech...Click to continue reading
GeoDRM Engineering Viewpoint and supporting Architecture06-184r2Christian Elfers, Roland M. Wagner2007-08-14
This GeoDRM engineering viewpoint document describes use cases and concepts for GeoDRM, as well as references to distributed computing concepts which are not GeoDRM sensu stricto but are required for any GeoDRM implementation.
OWS 4 WFS Temporal Investigation06-154David S. Burggraf, Ron Lake, Darko Androsevic2007-08-14
The objective of the proposed temporal extensions to the WFS is to enable temporal/geospatial queries using the GML temporal types against GML dynamic features employing either the snapshot or time history model (time slices).
OGC Web Services Architectural Profile for the NSG07-009r3Shayne Urbanowski2007-08-13
The purpose of this document is to generally describe how the various OGC specifications may be used to address the needs of a la...Click to continue reading
The Specification Model -- Structuring an OGC specification to encourage implementation07-056r1John Herring, OAB, Architecture WG2007-07-23
This standard specifies some desirable characteristics of a standards specification that will encourage implementations by minimizing difficulty and optimizing usability and interoperability.
Feature Styling IPR06-140Dr. Markus M2007-06-08
Feature Styling is based on a distributed computational platform that employs a number of standard interfaces and encodings to a...Click to continue reading
OWS-4 CSW ebRIM Modelling Guidelines IPR06-155Tim Wilson, Renato Primavera, Panagiotis (Peter) A. Vretanos2007-06-06
The OWS-4 CSW ebRIM Modelling Guidelines Interoperability Program Report (IPR) provides guidance for creating a standard methodol...Click to continue reading
Discussions, findings, and use of WPS in OWS-406-182r1Steven Keens2007-06-06
This document reviews the material discussed during the OWS-4 project, describes the WPS processes deployed in the workflows, and offers suggestions to the OGC to move forward with the WPS.
OWS4 - Topology Quality Assessment Interoperability Program Report07-007r1Paul Watson2007-06-06
This document describes the purpose and function of the Topology Quality Assessment Service developed and deployed within the Geo-processing workflow thread of the OWS4 interoperability testbed.
Frame image geopositioning metadata GML 3.2 application schema07-032Arliss Whiteside2007-06-06
This document specifies a GML 3.2 Application Schema for frame image geopositioning metadata, for XML encoding of the georeferenc...Click to continue reading
CUAHSI WaterML07-041r1Ilya Zaslavsky, David Valentine, Tim Whiteaker2007-05-30
This document describes the initial version of the WaterML messaging schema as implemented in version 1 of WaterOneFlow web servi...Click to continue reading
Local MSD Implementation Profile (GML 3.2.1)07-027r1Clemens Portele2007-05-25
This document contains a data content specification for Local Mission Specific Data (MSD) and is based on the GEOINT Structure Im...Click to continue reading
OGC Web Services Architecture for CAD GIS and BIM07-023r2Paul Cote2007-05-16
This document lists the design principles and requirements for future versions of a potential architecture for integrating workfl...Click to continue reading
OWS-4 Workflow IPR06-187r1Steven Keens2007-05-07
This document examines five workflows discussed during the course of the OWS-4 project.
GeoDDS Mass Market (formerly GeoRSS) Interoperability Program Report07-004Panagiotis (Peter) A. Vretanos2007-05-07
This OpenGIS(r) document describes the API for two web services capable of generating several simplified data formats including GeoRSS and the Basic XML Feature Schema (BXFS).
Trusted Geo Services IPR06-107r1Cristian Opincaru2007-05-07
The OGC Trusted Geo Services Interoperability Program Report (IPR) provides guidance for the exchange of trusted messages between...Click to continue reading
Requirements for some specific simple solid, plane and line geometry types07-001r3Simon Cox2007-05-02
This specification describes requirements for specific geometry types, including some simple solids, and planes and lines defined using an implicit parameterization.
OWS Integrated Client (GeoDSS Client)05-116Stan Tillman, Jody Garnett2007-03-08
This Interoperability Program Report (IPR) provides an overview of the general requirements, architecture, and design considerations of
Geographic information - Rights expression language for geographic information - Part xx: GeoREL06-173r2John Herring2007-01-25
This document extends the rights expression language (REL) to encompass the concerns of holders of geographic data and service r...Click to continue reading
Geospatial Semantic Web Interoperabiltiy Experiment Report06-002r1Joshua Lieberman2006-08-21
The Semantic Web seeks to make the meaning as accessible as the material, by enabling connections - which are both logical and (m...Click to continue reading
WMS - Proposed Animation Service Extension06-045r1Eric LaMar2006-07-27
This document explains how the Web Map Server (WMS 1.0 [1] & 1.1 [2,3]) specification can be extended to allow map animations that move in space over time. It should be read in conjunction with the latest version WMS specification.
EO Application Profile for CSW 2.006-079r1Marc Gilles2006-06-06
Explains how Catalogue Services based on the HMA (Heterogeneous Earth Observation Missions Accessibility) Application Profile for...Click to continue reading
OWS3 GML Topology Investigation05-102r1David Burggraf, Stan Tillman2006-05-09
Part 1 of this investigation is conducted by Galdos Systems. In this part, the OWS3 MSD3 geometric description is extended to inc...Click to continue reading
Access Control & Terms of Use (ToU) "Click-through" IPR Management05-111r2Roland M. Wagner2006-05-09
This document demonstrats a number of functional capabilities related to rights management (Terms-of-Use, Authentication, content services) that need to be described and chained.
Catalog 2.0 Accessibility for OWS305-084Vincent Delfosse2006-05-09
The OGC Catalog-Web Profile is a complex specification that implies usage of many concepts, such as ressources, metadata, registr...Click to continue reading
GML Performance Investigations by CubeWerx05-050Craig Bruce2006-05-02
This report proposes and executes methods to evaluate the performance of the use of the Geography Markup Language (GML) as encoded in various ways.
Schema Maintenance and Tailoring05-117Clemens Portele2006-05-02
Description of the schema tailoring process for the application schema development in the decision support services thread (GeoDSS) during the OWS-3 initiative
OGC Web Services (OWS) 3 UGAS Tool05-118Clemens Portele, Rafael Renkert2006-04-28
This document contains a description of the UGAS (UML Application Schema to GML ApplicationSchema conversion) tool development in the decision support services thread (GeoDSS) during the OWS-3 initiative.
Temporal Standard Recommendations06-022r1James Resler2006-04-21
This document summarizes recommendations for extending geospatial standards with regard to time-varying information. These proposals are the result of the National Technology Alliance program called Temporal Evaluation and Assessment (TEA).
OWS 3 GML Investigations - Performance Experiment by Galdos Systems05-101David Burggraf2006-04-19
In this experiment, the retrieval time of GML features from a Web Feature Service (WFS) to a WFS client will be studied by varyin...Click to continue reading
OWS-3 Imagery Workflow Experiments: Enhanced Service Infrastructure Technology Architecture and Standards in the OWS-3 Testbe05-140Yves Coene2006-03-30
This document describes the results of an experiment addressing issues relating to the application workflow processing incorporat...Click to continue reading
Geo Video Web Service05-115Joe Lewis2006-03-28
A GeoVideo Web Service (GVS) is a web service that facilitates the viewing of live and/or archived feeds from video cameras. The ...Click to continue reading
GML Point Profile05-029r4Ron Lake, Carl Reed, George Percivall2005-08-29
This document defines a profile of the Geography Markup Language (GML) for a point geometry. Attention is drawn to the fact that this is a profile of GML version 3.1.1.
WMS Change Request: Support for WSDL & SOAP04-050r1Philippe Duschene, Jerome Sonnet2005-04-22
This change proposal is an outcome of the Common Architecture thread of the OpenGIS Web Service 2 initiative. The aim is to add support for a standard WSDL description of the WMS interface in version 1.3.1.
OWS-2 Application Schema Development04-100Clemens Portele2005-04-13
The OWS-2 Application Schema Development Discussion Paper describes the process for creating ISO 19109:2005 Application Schemas [h...Click to continue reading
Image CRSs for IH4DS05-014Arliss Whiteside2005-01-31
This Discussion Paper specifies image coordinate reference system (CRS) definitions designed for possible use by WCTS and WCS serv...Click to continue reading
Imagery Metadata05-015Barry Schlesinger2005-01-27
Special XML schemas have been created for individual data sets, based on ISO 19115 and a general schema for the RSE. However, a ge...Click to continue reading
OWS 2 Common Architecture: WSDL SOAP UDDI04-060r1Jerome Sonnett2005-02-17
This OGC document reports the work that occurred in the OWS2 Test Bed Common Architecture thread. This thread focused on the use of UDDI/WSDL/SOAP in the OGC Web Services architecture. It also provides guidelines for the use of these technologies.
Web Image Classification Service (WICS)05-017Wenli Yang, Arliss Whiteside2005-02-10
The Web Image Classification Service (WICS) supports classification of digital images. A digital image is composed of pixel values...Click to continue reading
Some image geometry models04-071Arliss Whiteside2004-10-04
This discussion paper contains the material that is still relevant from Section 6 (or Appendix A) of the previous version 4 (docum...Click to continue reading
OWS1.2 Image Handling Requirements04-052Arliss Whiteside2004-09-26
This document was developed as part of the Image Handling Thread of the OGC Web Services Initiative Phase 1 Thread Set 2 (OWS 1.2)...Click to continue reading
OWS1.2 Image Handling Design04-051George Percivall2004-09-26
Image Handling is a thread in the OGC Web Services 1.2 (OWS1.2). This document defines the system design for Image Handling in OW...Click to continue reading
Geospatial Portal Reference Architecture04-039Louis Rose2004-09-22
This Guide has been developed by the members of the Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc. to assist the global geospatial technology co...Click to continue reading
Geolinking Service04-011r1Peter Schut2004-05-04
A Geolinking Service takes attribute data which refers to spatial features, and joins it to a geospatial dataset, so that it can b...Click to continue reading
Geolinked Data Access Service04-010r1Peter Schut2004-05-04
A Geolinked Data Access Service (GDAS) provides a way to publish and access data that refers to spatial features (e.g. population ...Click to continue reading
Service Information Model03-026Joshua Lieberman2003-01-17
SIM specifies and discusses a common information model for OGC Web Services, also known variously or in part as service capabilities or service metadata.
Web Services Architecture03-025Josh Lieberman2003-01-18
Specifies and discusses a common architectural framework for OGC Web Services
OGC Web Services SOAP Experiment Report03-014J2003-01-15
This document will discuss how OWS services can be ported to Web Services and highlight various issues/problems that have been discovered and need further discussion.
OGC Web Services UDDI Experiment03-028Josh Lieberman, Lou Reich, Peter Vretanos2003-01-17
This document lists the design principles, requirements, and experimental results for future versions of a potential OGC - UDDI (U...Click to continue reading
OWS Messaging Framework03-029Stephane Fellah, Steven Keens2003-01-20
This document defines a messaging framework to conduct communications between the OGC web services. It is independent of any trans...Click to continue reading
WMS Part 2: XML for Requests using HTTP Post02-017r1Jeff de La Beaujardiere2002-08-24
This part of the Web Map Service (WMS) specification applies to those clients and servers which allow operation request encodings ...Click to continue reading
Web Terrain Server01-061Raj Singh2001-08-24
The purpose of theWeb Terrain Server (WTS) is to produce perspective views of georeferenced data - typically 3-dimensional coverages.
XML for Image and map Annotation01-019John Evans2001-02-06
Defines an XML vocabulary to encode annotations on imagery, maps, and other geospatial data. This vocabulary draws on the Geography Markup Language (OpenGIS

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