Climate & Disaster Resilience Seminars – 2024

Event details

Date & time:

January 17, 2024 11:00 am — December 18, 2024 11:59 pm

The OGC Stakeholder Community Coordination Group, which brings together members of the Climate and Disaster Resilience communities, has lined up an exciting program of speakers and panels for the first part of 2024. The talks will showcase geospatial technologies and data (especially those leveraging OGC Standards) across a range of applications used in Climate and Disaster Resilience. The talks are free and open to the public. Anyone interested in how spatial data and technology can help us to improve climate and disaster resilience is encouraged to attend.

Seminars are held monthly on the third Wednesday at 11:00-12:30 US Eastern. Each presentation/panel will run for around 30 minutes + time for Q&A. This will be followed by short updates on what’s happening in relevant OGC Pilots and Working Groups, as well as any upcoming opportunities.

Preliminary Program for Winter/Spring 2024

17 JanPaul English (Tracking California, Public Health Institute)Geospatial Environmental Health Products from the Public Health Institute
21 FebAnna Liljedahl (Woodwell Climate Research Center)Permafrost Discovery Gateway – enabling big data creation and knowledge-generation to support Arctic communities
20 MarchGrey Nearing and Avichai Tendler (Google)Google’s Global Flood Forecasting Model and Fire Products
17 AprilClimate Science + Open Science crossover panel – OSPD participantsHow can open science (geospatial) tools enable climate and disaster resilience?
15 MayAllan Jamieson (Ordnance Survey)Can location create trust in supply chains?
JuneNo seminar in JuneOGC Member Meeting – informal meetup
17 JulyTee Barr (Verisk)
Kate Vavra-Musser (University of Minnesota / iGuide)
Title TBC
21 AugustRyan Berkheimer (NOAA)Update on NOAA’s Open Information Stewardship Service (OISS)
18 SeptemberTBCTitle TBC
16 OctoberTBCTitle TBC
20 NovemberKasia (Katarzyna) Marini (MedECC)Title TBC
18 December

time change! –
8:00 Eastern
Neil Sims (CSIRO)Title TBC

How to join the seminars:

Link to use from your computer, tablet or smartphone:

You can also dial in using your phone.
United States: +1 (646) 749-3129
Access Code: 119-959-205

Join from a video-conferencing room or system.
Meeting ID: 119-959-205
Dial in or type: or
Or dial directly: 119959205@ or

Members can also access the info using the OGC Portal Calendar.


Climate, Climate Change, Disaster Resilience

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