
A Subcommittee is a standing group (organizationally, a subgroup of the Technical Committee or the Executive Planning Committee) of individuals composed of members of the TC or EPC and Invited Guests, with a mission to provide recommendations to the TC or EPC in some general area. A Subcommittee does not generate a Standard nor do they work on a Standard.

Members-Only Link Group Description Lead **
Compliance Interoperability & Testing Evaluation (CITE) SC (CITE SC)The Compliance and Interoperability Testing and Evaluation Program (CITE) subcommittee provides an open forum for approaches and issues related to compliance certification, conformance, and interoperability testing. The committee works to provide a process that enables vendors to achieve OGC compliance certification in a timely, cost effective manner.Heazel, Charles (Heazel, Charles) – Group Chair
Document SC (DocTeam)The DocTeam subcommittee works to define, enforce and educate on documentation guidelines (format, templates, style) within the OGC, and maintains strong linkages between Implementation Standards and Abstract Specifications with a goal to maintain a core model upon which all OGC standards and standards development activities are based.Reed III, Carl (Reed, Carl) – Group Chair,
Simmons, Scott (Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc.) – Group Chair
Integrated Digital Built Environment SC (IDBE SC)The Integrated Digital Built Environment subcommittee works to increase interoperability between the geospatial and built environment domains and greater communities, and coordinates standards development activities of the OGC and buildingSMART International (bSI).
OGC Naming Authority SC (OGC NA SC)The OGC Naming Authority (OGC-NA) ensures an orderly process for assigning URIs for OGC resources, such as OGC documents, standards, XML namespaces, ontologies so they can provide clear and well-defined names and definitions for the geospatial community and beyond.Hobona, Gobe (Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc.) – Group Chair
Spatial Data on the Web Working Group (SDWWG)The mission of the Spatial Data on the Web Working Group is to develop and maintain vocabularies and best practices that encourage better sharing of spatial data on the Web, and identify areas where standards should be developed jointly by both W3C and OGC.Tandy, Jeremy (UK Met Office) – Group Chair,
van den Brink, Linda (Geonovum) – Group Chair
** – There may be Co-Chairs or Vice-Chairs that are not listed in this table
2024-09-06 02:38:19

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