CityGML Challenge

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The CityGML Challenge has completed. 


The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC), Ordnance Survey (OS), and Triangulum are proud to announce that Claus Nagel and Thomas Adolphi of virtualcitySYSTEMS have been chosen as the winning team of the 2019 CityGML Challenge. As the winners of the Challenge, the developers were awarded a £5000 prize and were able to showcase the “Manchester 3D Data Viewer” tool at OGC’s recent Technical Committee meeting in Toulouse, France.

For more details, please see the Press Release at


Historical data of the Project:

Registration to participate in this challenge and demonstrate your solution was due on October 14th. Registration page is here.

The demonstration was held on October 24th at the Friends’ Meeting House in Manchester.

Recording of two webinars were that provide a general overview of this challenge: August 7th webinar, and September 5th webinar.


The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) CityGML model has been successfully used in a number of city models in different parts of the world. Presently there is a new version being developed and the draft specification publicly available on GitHub were utilized as part of this challenge.

Sponsored by OGC Strategic Member, Ordnance Survey (OS), the CityGML Challenge encouraged the configuration of software tools to visualise CityGML data. CityGML is an open data model and XML-based format for the storage and exchange of virtual 3D city models. The challenge was focused on the UK city of Manchester. OS supported Manchester City Council in the delivery of the Triangulum Project – funded by the European Commission (EC) – and has collated a range of data resources relating to the geography of Manchester’s Oxford Road Corridor in the form of a data model in the draft CityGML 3 standard.

Triangulum focuses on replicable smart city solutions and frameworks relating to sustainable energy, mobility, and ICT. A range of low-carbon technologies have been implemented in the Oxford Road Corridor, and OS sponsored this challenge in collaboration with both Manchester City Council and OGC to support the incubation of mobility and energy innovations.


We encouraged software developers to configure visualisation software tools to support the capabilities of version 3 of CityGML, including dynamic data feeds from a range of sensors. The resulting tools and visualisation environment have been made openly available for one year for wider non-commercial experimentation and innovation purposes, in particular as part of a Triangulum Innovation Challenge focused on energy and mobility applications.

We expected this visualisation to operate from a database representation of the City Model that conform to the CityGML 3 conceptual model, and are not be dependent on any of the CityGML encodings.

Ordnance Survey and Manchester City Council have supplied the Challenge with a variety of data. We expected the visualisations to use as much of this data as possible. Refer to the webinar recordings for details.

A wealth of data and live API feeds for Manchester’s Oxford Corridor have been brought together for this challenge.

Applicants were encouraged to consider a range of visualisation media and consumption options, including augmented and virtual reality.

(Follow along at #CityGMLChallenge – This is now retired)



Information about the judging event

Registration page to sign up to give a demonstration

Visualisation tool requirements and data catalogue

Download Event Guide on Getting To and Around Manchester



Applicants to this challenge was invited to present their visualisation tools at a judging event to take place in Manchester on Thursday 24 October, 2019. The winner benefitted from:

  • A £5,000 cash prize.
  • Showcasing of the tool at subsequent OGC Technical Meetings.
  • Recognition from having their tool used as a key resource for the Triangulum innovation challenge.


Update Section – This section was updated as the Challenge was in progress with release notes.

We have been notified that one of the orthorectified imagery tiles (number 005_001, part of orthophoto_8 zipped file) was not fully processed. Please accept our apologies.

Corrupted tile has been reprocessed and is now available to download from the same location. 

3D textured mesh tiles for 6 AOIs are now provided, beside OBJ, also in Cesium format.

Manchester Virtual Power Plant data is now provided as a set of two zipped CSV files for Manchester City Council ( and Manchester Metropolitan University ( and not a part of Integrated file geodatabase as indicated within the Requirements for CityGML 3 visualisation tool document.

Manchester pedestrian and vehicle count data is now available to download as a separate file and not part of Manchester-I API. The data provided in zipped MCRV file includes sensors reading for 10 locations along Oxford Road and Oxford Street in Manchester. 

Clarifications regarding the creation of OS CityGML v3.0 LOD2 data for buildings:

Buildings data was automatically generated using Virtual City Systems software, exported in CityGML v2 format and then translated into CityGML v3 using the Java tool developed by the Technical University of Munich (TUM). 

Previous version of the data was defined in incorrect FME namespace. Please accept our apologies. 

The data is now corrected and available for download from the same location on OGC portal


Update for Participant Submissions:

  • The date for submission for the CityGML Challenge has been moved to October 14th.
  • Please let us know how you intend to submit the information and access on your submission.
  • The amount of time available for each presenter will depend on the number of submissions. Once we have a final count, we will notifiy you on how much time you will have to present your competition entry.



  • 7 August and 5 September – Webinars to explain the available data resources for the challenge 
  • The SECOND webinar was held 5 September.
    • The webinar agenda for both webinar was as follows:
      • Introductions
      • Message from Sponsors
      • Presentation on Data Sets
      • Questions and Answers from the attendees
  • 14 October – Due Registration 
  • 24 October – CityGML Challenge Judging and Award Ceremony in person in Manchester with winner to be selected on this day
  • 18 November – OGC TC/PC Meetings in France (opportunity for the winner to present in the Opening Plenary)
  • 27-28 November – Manchester City Council launch of Innovation Challenge, for which the winner’s visualisation will be a key resource.



Ordnance Survey Logo

Manchester City Logo

TriangulumEU Logo



Any questions should be directed to



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