OGC GeoPackage (GPKG) Related Tables Extension Interoperability Experiment

For more information please contact innovation@ogc.org


The OGC GeoPakcage GPKG Related Tables Extension Interoperability Extension has completed.

The Engineering report has been posted: http://docs.opengeospatial.org/per/17-093r1.html

The Standard has also been posted: http://docs.opengeospatial.org/is/18-000/18-000.html


This OGC interoperability experiment (GPKG-RTE IE) will test a proposed extension to the OGC GeoPackage Encoding Standard (12-128r14). The purpose of the Related Tables extension is to explicitly describe the relation and function of the rows in sub-ordinate tables to features in core GeoPackage feature tables. One real-world application of this extension is the association of media objects to geographic features.

A multimedia extension is required to associate multimedia content (including but not limited to videos, pictures, and PDF files) with feature data. Ideally the multi-media extension will support a one-to-many relationship between individual features and the multimedia content and be built upon the related tables extension proposed by Compusult. Both the Related Tables extension and the media extension will be documented using the GeoPackage extension template.

The goal of this IE will be achieved by building GeoPackages containing embedded multimedia content and sharing those GeoPackages with other software products. This IE will produce an OGC Engineering Report that discusses whether the extension is fit for use and adoption by the OGC.This extension is intended to be transparent and to not interfere with GPKG compliant, but non-supporting, software packages. This experiment will verify that the extension is correctly designed to be transparent in this manner.

Initiator Organizations

The OGC members who are initiators of this Interoperability Experiment are:

Contact information for these organizations is at the end of the activity plan.

Participant and observer Organizations

This IE will be open to the general public. Participants will be required to make a resource commitment. Non OGC organizations will be allowed in the IE as Observers only. OGC members who are not willing to make a resource commitment may also register as observers.

Principal and Strategic members

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