HDWG Groundwater 2 IE

For more information please contact innovation@ogc.org

This groundwater interoperability experiment (GW2IE) developed and tested the GroundWater Markup Language 2, by harmonizing and advancing existing modeling initiatives such as: GWML1, relevant EU-INSPIRE models (Geology-hydrogeology, Environmental monitoring facilities), GeoSciML, and others. It produced an engineering report in preparation for movement to an OGC data specification subsequent to the GW2IE.

GWML2 is required for the standard transfer of groundwater feature data, including data about water wells, aquifers, and related entities. It is also intended as the encoding model for INSPIRE geology-hydrogeology data specification, and as a reference for observations associated with the features.


The OGC members that are acting as initiators of the Interoperability Experiment are:

Contact information for these organizations is contained in an Annex.


The following organizations will be participating in the IE.

Principal and Strategic members

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