OWS Shibboleth IE

For more information please contact innovation@ogc.org



The OGC Web Services Shibboleth Interoperability Experiment advanced best practices for implementing standards on federated security in transactions involving geospatial data and services.

The IE, initiated by OGC Members Cadcorp, EDINA, and Snowflake Software, will demonstrate use of Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) with OGC Web Services including use of Shibboleth. This IE is built on ESDIN best practices and a previous OGC Authentication Interoperability Experiment that was not led by ESDIN.  To finalize this activity a best practice report will be presented at the OGC Technical Committee meeting in Boulder, CO, September 2011.

Shibboleth is an open source software package released by the Internet2 Consortium based on the SAML standard from OASIS. European National Mapping Agencies and leading European universities have been advancing the use of Shibboleth in operational spatial data infrastructures as part of the activities of the ESDIN project.

A “reference implementation” of a Shibboleth enabled WMS/WFS desktop client, based on OpenJump 1.3.1 is now available:


A successful webinar, with about 30 participants, took  place in November 18th. The webinar  demonstrated the use of Shibboleth Federations to protect OGC Web Services (OWS) using a federation of services established under the European Spatial Data Infrastructure Network (ESDIN) project.

screen shot webinar


To learn more about this activity or get involved contact Luis Bermudez (lbermudez AT opengeospatial.org).

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