OS Plugfest (UKIAP)

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Ordnance Survey UK Interoperability Assesment Plugfest 

The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) and the Ordnance Survey, with the support of the Association for Geographic Information (AGI), lead in 2014 a United Kingdom Interoperability Assessment Plugfest (UKIAP).  The purpose of UKIAP  was to advance the interoperability of geospatial products and services based on OGC standards within the UK geospatial information (GI) community.  The results of the Plugfest allowed Ordnance Survey to provide best practice guidance and allowed software companies (commercial and open source) to improve their proucts and make them more interoperable.

The following products were part of the plugfest:

The results of the plugfest are accesible in the following report OGC® and Ordnance Survey – UK Interoperability Assessment Plugfest (UKIAP) Engineering Report


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