Vector Tiles Pilot

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Vector Tiles is a technology that optimizes delivering vector data over the web to create maps. The approach provides a pre-defined shape (i.e. tile) to package vector data. Vector Tiles provide various opportunities:

Vector Tiles provide an efficient and effective method of delivering GeoINT data due to the efficiencies for querying vector data and compacting of the files. Sponsors are interested in Vector Tiles Standardization in the following cases: 

The OGC has coordinated several initiatives to advance the use of Vector Tiles. Testbed 12 and Testbed 13 advanced ideas, found issues and proposed change requests to existing standards. However, a better forward strategy is to advance extensions in current OGC standards.

This Pilot will develop Engineering Reports to document the results of the effort. These Engineering Reports will be considered by the OGC Technical Committee and may lead to standardization efforts to define a common vector tiling approach for multiple OGC standards.

The extensions will serve as basis for National System for Geospatial Intelligence (NSG) Profiles.


Video Results from Vector Tiles Pilot Extension

The Vector Tiles Extension videos have been posted to YouTube.  The Result are also posted below:



GeoSolutions_VTP Extension_WMTS GeoServer Service with MapStore Client




interactive instruments_VTP Extension_WFS Server Demo




Image Matters XR Mobile Client



GeoSolutions VTP Extension WFS3 GeoServer Service with MapStore Client



CubeWerx VTP Extension WMTS Demo



GeoSolutions VTP Extension WMS GeoServer Service with MapStore Client



Ecere VTP Extension Video


Video Results from the original Vector Tiles Pilot

Links to the video results to the Vector Tiles Pilot are displayed below.  



Compusult Vector Tiles GeoPackage Workflow



Ecere Vector Tiles (WMTS, WFS3 Services and Clients, GeoPackage)



GeoSolutions Vector Tiles Part One – WMTS and WFS 3 Vector Tiles at Work



GeoSolutions Vector Tiles Part Two – Vector Tiles Style Details 



GIS FCU WFS 3.0 Client



Image Matters GeoPackage Web Client



interactive instruments – Vector Tiles Web API



Mapbox WMTS Server and Client


Engineering Reports

OGC Vector Tiles Pilot: Summary Engineering Report

OGC Vector Tiles Pilot: GeoPackage 1.2 Vector Tiles Extensions Engineering Report

OGC Vector Tiles Pilot: Tiled Feature Data Conceptual Model Engineering Report

OGC Vector Tiles Pilot: WMTS Vector Tiles Extension Engineering Report

OGC Vector Tiles Pilot: WFS 3.0 Vector Tiles Extension Engineering Report

OGC Vector Tiles Pilot Extension: Vector Tiles Extension Engineering Report


 Note: Call for Participation is available here.


Schedule (all items have been completed)





July 06, 2018

Sponsors Kickoff

July 11, 2018

Call for Participation (CFP) released

August 06, 2018

Proposals due

August 13, 2018

Participant selection and agreements

August 17, 2018

Virtual kickoff

September 10-14, 2018

Discussion at Working Groups

October 31, 2018

End & Final Reports

December 10 – 14

Present at Technical Committee Meeting

There is a small continuation of the original requirements in the original CFP that continued through mid February with current participants. The work expanded upon the portrayal performed in the original development.

Schedule (all work has been completed)

November 16, 2018 – Virtual Kickoff

January 31, 2019 – Draft Engineering Report and Initial Implementations

February 15, 2019 – Final TIEs and Final ERs posted to “pending” and Mini Virtual Demo


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