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The OGC® Announces Call for Participation in OWS-6 Testbed

The Open Geospatial Consortium(OGC®) has issued a Request for Quotes/Call for Participation (RFQ/CFP) for the OGC Web Services, Phase 6 (OWS-6) Interoperability Initiative, a testbed to advance OGCs open interoperability framework for geospatial capabilities.OWS testbeds are part of OGCs Interoperability Program, a global, hands-on and collaborative prototyping program designed to rapidly develop, test and deliver proven candidate specifications into OGCs Specification Program, where they are formalized for public release.In OGCs Interoperability Initiatives, international teams of technology providers work together to solve specific geoprocessing interoperability problems posed by the Initiatives Sponsors.OGC Interoperability Initiatives include testbeds, pilot projects, interoperability experiments and interoperability support services – all designed to encourage rapid development, testing, validation and adoption of OGC standards.OGC Standards empower technology developers to make geospatial information and services accessible and useful with any application that needs to be geospatially enabled.

OGC Announces Successful GEOSS Sensor Web Workshop

The great variety of Sensor Web research, implementation and usage in various application domains was reflected in 25 presentations given by workshop participants ( next GEOSS Sensor Web workshop will take place in early 2009 in Japan.The OGC® is an international consortium of more than 365 companies, government agencies, research organizations, and universities participating in a consensus process to develop publicly available geospatial standards.OpenGIS® Standards support interoperable solutions that geo-enable the Web, wireless and location-based services, and mainstream IT.OGC Standards empower technology developers to make geospatial information and services accessible and useful with any application that needs to be geospatially enabled.

PCI Geomatics Becomes OGC Principal-Plus Member

PCI Geomatics decision to participate at this new level underscores its commitment to geospatial interoperability, the geospatial industry, and the OGC.PCI Geomatics (as PCI Remote Sensing) was one of the eight charter members of OGC at its founding in 1994.In addition to the responsibilities of Principal Members, Principal Plus members dedicate resources directly to OGC programs.PCI Geomatics sees exciting growth in the geospatial market in Asia, said Dr. Robert Moses, President and CEO of PCI Geomatics.Mark Reichardt, OGC President and CEO comments, We are very pleased that PCI Geomatics is increasing its leadership role in OGC programs.

OGC Elects Two New Directors

The Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc. (OGC®) has held its biennial election and two new directors, Lisa Campbell and Dr. John C. Curlander, have been elected to the Board of Directors.Lisa Campbell is vice president in charge of Autodesks Geospatial Solutions.Since the May 2006 acquisition of Vexcel by Microsoft, Dr. Curlander has served as General Manager of what has come to be called Microsoft Boulder.The OGC® is an international consortium of more than 365 companies, government agencies, research organizations, and universities participating in a consensus process to develop publicly available geospatial standards.OGC Standards empower technology developers to make geospatial information and services accessible and useful with any application that needs to be geospatially enabled.

GEO Announces Call for Participation in GEOSS Pilot

Wayland, Mass., 2 July, 2008 – The Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc. (OGC®) announced that a Call for Participation (CFP) in Phase 2 of the GEOSS (Global Earth Observation System of Systems) Architecture Implementation Pilot (AIP) has been issued by the GEO (Group on Earth Observations).Phase 2 will establish operational, research and technical exemplars, services that support the GEOSS Societal Benefit Areas (application domains).The CFP invites GEO Members and Participating Organizations to:Provide components and services relevant to GEOSS Societal Benefit Areas (application domains).Participate in interoperability testing of the services including use of the GEOSS Common Infrastructure Components in order to validate the architecture.The OGCs OpenGIS® standards support interoperable solutions that geo-enable the Web, wireless and location-based services, and mainstream IT.

OGC(R) Requests Comments on Web Coverage Standard Extensions

– The Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc. (OGC) membership approved a 30 day public comment period for a revision to the OpenGIS® Web Coverage Service (WCS) Interface Standard.The revision includes two extensions to WCS: the WCS 1.1 Transaction Extension and the Web Coverage Processing Service Processing (WCPS) Extension.The WCS Interface Standard ( ) specifies an application programming interface (API) for requesting coverage data, such as imagery, from one or more distributed sources.The WCPS Extension adds a raster expression language to WCS which allows analysis and processing of multi-dimensional grid coverage data over the World Wide Web.OGC Standards empower technology developers to make geospatial information and services accessible and useful with any application that needs to be geospatially enabled.

OGC Seeks Input on Next Version of Geography Markup Language – GML(TM)

The Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc. (OGC®) is inviting the public to offer change requests for consideration by the OGC Technical Committee on a revision of the OpenGIS® Geography Markup Language (GML) Encoding Standard.GML defines a data encoding in XML for geographic data and a grammar to express models of such data using XML Schema.GML has come into wide use since it was first adopted as an OGC standard in 2002.Change requests should be submitted by September 19, 2008.OGC Standards empower technology developers to make geospatial information and services accessible and useful with any application that needs to be geospatially enabled.

OGC and WfMC Partner to Advance Standards Goals

The WfMC is excited for this partnership between the two respective industry leaders, explained Nathaniel Palmer, Executive Director of the Workflow Management Coalition.It took strong interoperable standards to deliver the geo-enabled Web that is critical to all business today.OGC Standards empower technology developers to make geospatial information and services accessible and useful with any application that needs to be geospatially enabled.Founded in 1993, the Workflow Management Coalition (WfMC) is a global organization of over 300 adopters, developers, consultants, analysts, and university and research groups engaged in workflow and BPM.The WfMC creates and contributes to process related standards, educates the market on related issues, and is the only standards organization that concentrates purely on process.

OGC Interoperability Days, 3-4 June 2008 in Potsdam

OGC Technical Interoperability Day and Business Interoperability DayBonn, Germany, 19 May 2008: OGC Interoperability Days will be held on Tuesday and Wednesday, June 3 and 4, 2008, in Potsdam, Germany.On Tuesday, Mark Reichardt, President of the OGC, will open the event with a keynote on the value of open standards and their potential to open new market segments.On Wednesday, Athina Trakas and Martin Klopfer of the OGC will open the Interoperability Day with a keynote on the value of open standards in creating geospatial portals.Representatives of German government agencies and local authorities will talk about their experiences in deploying OGC standards and take a look at the benefits of OGC Membership.The third topic to be addressed during the Wednesday interoperability day is managing Europes Growth, offering a European perspective on geospatial requirements and opportunities.

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