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OGC Announces Call for Input on Geospatial Digital Rights Management

Call to Action Is Key Step in Averting Proprietary Interface Wayland, MA, October 21, 2004 – The Open Geospatial Consortium Inc. (OGC) today launched a digital rights management (DRM)-related project aimed at collecting essential information from governments, businesses, and academia.Geospatial DRM manages all rights, not only the rights applicable to permissions over digital geographic data.This framework is comprised of OGC Web services specifications and related standards developed by the broader information technology industry.The application of DRM to geographic activities differs somewhat from its function in other arenas, such as music, where digital rights management solutions are applied, Reichardt added.The alternative is the further fragmentation of data and service sectors promoted by vertical proprietary rights management solutions.

OGC Announces RFQ to Develop Reference Implementation in Kentucky

techdesk [at] opengeospatial.orgWayland, MA, October 18, 2004 – The Open Geospatial Consortium Inc. (OGC) announced a Request For Quotations (RFQ) from technology developers interested in an Interoperability Initiative to develop and deploy a reference implementation of OGC-based services at the state level in the U.S.The OGC Kentucky Landscape Census (KLC) Pilot Project advances OGC Web Services (OWS), the set of OpenGIS® Specifications that comprise the interoperability framework for the emerging Spatial Web.The implementation will become the basis for the Commonwealths land cover theme contribution to the U.S. Geological Surveys National Map.- Web Services: Deploy a reference implementation composed of OGC(TM) specification components for Web Map Services, Web Feature Services, Web Coverage Services, and Catalog Services.The reference implementation will consist of a statewide network that provides one node at the state level and enables four counties with existing Web services to add open, industry standard access interfaces to them.

OGC Interoperability Demo Planned for Interoperability 2004

The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) (formerly the Open GIS Consortium), announced that it will conduct live, multi-vendor demonstrations of Web-based geoprocessing interoperability at Interoperability 2004 – Integrating process, organization, systems.This conference, organized by the Institute for Defense & Government Advancement (IDGA) will be held October 20 – 21, 2004 in Washington, DC.The demonstrations will be part of a Wednesday, October 20 workshop titled, Net Centric Interoperability for Multi-Source Integration and Application.A standards-based interoperability framework for geospatial data and Web-based geoprocessing services is of critical importance to the advancement of NCES, Horizontal Fusion initiatives, and other critical DoD and homeland security objectives.OGCs framework, the product of a decade-long, global industry effort, has been tested and broadly implemented in the geospatial technology marketplace.

OGC Members Adopt Specification for Catalog Services

Wayland, MA, September 22, 2004 – The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) announces that the OpenGIS® Catalog Services Specification 2.0 has been adopted by the OGC membership.Catalog services are required to support the discovery of registered network accessible resources within and between collaborating communities that seek to share information and processing resources efficiently.Uwe Voges of con terra GmbH (Germany) explains that, The new version enables the development of standardized and interoperable Catalog Services throughout Europe.In particular, it supports application profiles that conform to ISO 19106 (Geographic information – Profiles).Hence, con terra, lat/lon and others are developing an application profile for ISO 19115/ISO 19119 metadata that allows the implementation of interoperable catalog services that handle metadata about geospatial data, services and applications.

OGC Interoperability Demo Planned for SPATIAL-TECH 2004

The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) (formerly the Open GIS Consortium), announced that OGC members exhibiting at the September 26-29 SPATIAL-TECH 2004 national policy symposium and exhibition will participate in an exhibition floor interoperability demonstration.Companies participating in the exhibition floor interoperability demonstration at SPATIAL-TECH 2004 will include ESRI, Intergraph, IONIC, MapInfo, and others.SPATIAL-TECH 2004 is the Spatial Technologies Industry Associations (STIA) premiere annual event to advance the interests of the industry and the geospatial community.In addition OGC members are breaking new ground to solve semantic interoperability or geospatial data incompatibility issues that exist across government jurisdictions.OGC standards are an essential ingredient in homeland security as well as for municipal operations, commerce, environmental management, construction of physical infrastructure and many other domains of activity.

Mark Reichardt Named President of OGC

In this capacity Mr. Reichardt will assume day-to-day operational management of the company and responsibility for implementation of the corporate business plan.In his new position Mr. Reichardt is also appointed to the OGC Board of Directors and will serve on the boards Executive Committee.Before joining the OGC, Mr. Reichardt was involved in mapping technology modernization and production programs for the Department of Defense.Mr. Reichardt helped establish several international collaborative agreements to advance proven practices regarding Spatial Data Infrastructure.He has also managed key interoperability initiatives and has extensively represented the OGC community at industry events around the world.

OGC Names New CTO and Executive Director, Interoperability Architecture

David Schell, Chairman and CEO of the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) announced today that the OGC Board of Directors has voted to appoint Dr. Carl Reed as Chief Technology Officer (CTO) and that George Percivall has joined the OGC as Executive Director, Interoperability Architecture.Dr. Reed has served as the OGC Executive Director, Specification Program since 2001.Dr. Reed will continue to manage the process by which OGC Implementation Specifications are developed and adopted by the OGC membership.He will also continue to facilitate the Planning Committee meetings and work with the OGC Interoperability Program as a member of the architecture team.He will be responsible for managing OGCs Interoperability Program, which involves planning and coordinating testbeds, pilot projects, interoperability experiments, etc., and for running OGCs compliance testing program.

Web Simulation Workshop Registration Now Open

Wayland, MA, USA, September 07, 2004 – The Web Simulation Partnership announced that online registration for its Second Workshop on Web Enabled Modeling and Simulation is now available at .The Object Management Group (OMG), Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC), Simulation Interoperability Standards Organization (SISO), and Web3D Consortium agreed last year to collaborate on open, non-proprietary standards for Modeling and Simulation (M&S) and related technologies, forming the Web Simulation Partnership.Technologies such as the World Wide Web, and Global Grid Computing, and Utility Computing are transforming the way that Modeling and Simulation services are provided to the vast collection of user communities.About the Web Simulation Partners: The Object Management Group (OMG) is an open membership, not-for-profit consortium that produces and maintains computer industry specifications for interoperable enterprise applications.The Simulation Interoperability Standards Organization (SISO) focuses on facilitating simulation interoperability and component reuse across the DoD, other government, and non-government applications.

OGC Event to Highlight Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) Solutions

The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) (formerly the Open GIS Consortium), NAVTEQ and the Chicago Geospatial Exchange invite those interested in geospatial technologies and telematics to attend OGC Industry Day – Geospatial Requirements for Telematics on Monday, 13 September, 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM at the Holiday Inn Chicago – Mart Plaza in downtown Chicago.This event will bring together government, industry and academic experts to present, learn about, discuss and demonstrate geospatial information requirements and solutions for Homeland Security, Location Services and Vehicle Services (Telematics).The event will focus on the role of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) in government, business, and consumer services.An evening reception following the days plenary sessions will include cocktails and demonstrations of telematics, navigation and geospatial technologies.OGCs Specifications support interoperable solutions that geo-enable the Web, wireless and location-based services, and mainstream IT.

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