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OGC Announces Interoperability Internship Project

The OGC Internship Project ( ) provides an electronic bulletin board where students can post their areas of interest and organizations can post their needs.The ultimate goal is to match up these two groups to help move interoperability in the geospatial domain forward.The Project will make it easier for students seeking a professional career in the geospatial industry to find internship opportunities where skills may be gained and developed by tackling geospatial interoperability topics.The Interoperability Internship Project will nurture the next generation of professionals with substantive knowledge and bring outstanding young scientific and technical talent to the members of OGC.OGC member organization may participate in the Internship Project at no charge.

OGC Announces Geographic Objects Study Results

December 11, 2002 – Members of the Open GIS Consortium, Inc. (OGC) announced the completion of the Geographic Objects (GO-1) Initiative Feasibility Study.In addition, it examined work on standardizing application level objects and the possibility of integrating these objects with an OGC Web Services inspired infrastructure.Responses to a September 6, 2002 Geographic Objects Feasibility Study Request for Technology were received from thirteen organizations.Their recommendations addressed how platform independent and platform specific models, as well as application objects, can be developed to meet the Geographic Objects requirements.Parties interested in sponsoring further work on an OGC Geographic Objects should contact Chuck Heazel at.

OGC Announces New Local, State and Provincial Membership Levels

Wayland, MA, USA, December 9, 2002 – The Open GIS Consortium, Inc. (OGC) announced today that it is offering new classes of associate membership for local, state and provincial governments.Government Agency State/Province and Government Agency Local/Other Associate Members are granted non-voting membership in OGCs Technical Committee and have access to all written and electronic Technical Committee communication.explained Erich Seamon, GIS Manager for the City and County of San Franciscos Department of Telecommunications and Information Services.Several other OGC initiatives have directly involved provincial, state and local governments.Other state, local, and provincial agencies are likely to join this initiative through OGCs recent Call for Communities ( ).

OGC Demonstrates Open Location Based Services – European Debut Occurs at IIRs GIS In Telecoms Conference

December 2, 2002 – Members of the Open GIS Consortium, Inc. (OGC) have publicly demonstrated a set of prototype interfaces and schemas that support Location Based Services (LBS) interoperability.These include emergency response, personal navigator, traffic information service, proximity service, location recall, mobile field service, travel directions, restaurant finder, corporate asset locator, concierge, routing, vector map portrayal and interaction, friend finder, and voice directions.The demonstration, held at IIRs November 18, 2002 GIS in Telecoms conference in Nice, France, marked the successful completion of phase 1 of OpenLS.Draft Interface Specifications based on the prototype interfaces and schemas developed in the OpenLS initiative will now be reviewed in the OGC Specification Program.Users will expect, for example, continuity of location services when a cell phone roams from one carriers network to anothers.

OGC Announces Successful Critical Infrastructure Protection Initiative Kickoff

jharrison [at] opengeospatial.orgWayland, MA, USA, November 20, 2002 – The Open GIS Consortium, Inc. (OGC) announced that Phase 1 of its Critical Infrastructure Protection Initiative (CIPI-1) recently began with a successful kick-off meeting held in Reston, Virginia.One of the overarching goals is the development of a collaborative, distributed network of critical infrastructure information sources and services based on open standards and specifications.CIPI-1 represents the first of a series of pilot projects to help advance interoperability for critical infrastructure protection and other vital service needs.Their leadership and involvement in CIPI-1, along with sponsors and participants, will be crucial to the success of this initiative, stated Terry Idol, Director of CIPI-1 Initiative for the OGC.Organizations interested in learning more about Critical Infrastructure Protection Initiative should contact Mr. Jeff Harrison, Executive Director of OGC Interoperability Programs, (703) 491-9543,.

Geospatial One-Stop Portal Call for Additional Requirements

portal-cfar-comments [at] sunrise.gsfc.nasa.govWayland, MA, USA, November 7, 2002 – The Geospatial One-Stop (GOS) initiative recently issued a Call for Additional Requirements for the Geospatial One-Stop Portal (see ).Geospatial One-Stop will provide a Portal for discovery of and access to certain basic themes of geospatial data, known as Framework data.Also, applications such as desktop GIS software, Decision Support Systems, and other services will be able to utilize the Geospatial One-Stop Portal through open software interfaces.The Portal is all about access, said NASAs Myra Bambacus, Acting Executive Director of Geospatial One-Stop.Respondents to the Call for Additional Requirements will help the Geospatial One-Stop Portal Team of state, local, and federal representatives develop the functional requirements of the Portal.

OGC Demonstrates Open Location Based Services Interfaces

Wayland, MA, USA, October 30, 2002 – Members of the Open GIS Consortium, Inc. (OGC) have publicly demonstrated a set of prototype interfaces and schemas that support Location-Based Services (LBS) interoperability.Location-Based Services employ real-time positioning technologies and networked resources to enable a wide variety of applications.The demonstration was held at the October 24-25 ETS1: Location-Based Services conference in Reston, Virginia USA.The demonstration marked successful completion of phase 1 of the OGC Open Location Services (OpenLS(TM)) Testbed Initiative.Users will expect, for example, continuity of location services when a cell phone roams from one carriers network to anothers.

OGC Seeks Sponsors for Web Services Initiative Feasibility Study

jharrison [at] opengeospatial.orgWayland, MA, USA, October 28, 2002 – The Open GIS Consortium, Inc. (OGC) today announced a Call for Sponsors for a Feasibility Study that will support the next phase of the OGC Web Services (OWS) Initiative.Past OWS initiatives significantly advanced interoperability and enhanced access, integration, maintenance and update capabilities for distributed geoprocessing services and sensors.OWS-2 Feasibility Study is an important step in planning for the next OGC Web Services Testbed.For more information on becoming a Sponsor of the OWS-2 Feasibility Study, please contact Mr. Jeff Harrison, OGC Executive Director, Interoperability Program, at (703) 628-8655, or at.OpenGIS® Specifications support interoperable solutions that geo-enable the Web, wireless and location-based services, and mainstream IT.

OGC Seeks Quotations/Participation in the GeoSpatial One-Stop Transportation Pilot Initiative and Demonstration

kbuehler [at] opengeospatial.orgWayland, MA, USA, October 4, 2002 – The Open GIS Consortium, Inc. (OGC) announces that a Request for Quotations (RFQ)/Call for Participation (CFP) in the OGC Geospatial One-Stop Transportation Pilot (GOS-TP) Initiative and Demonstration.This initiative is part of a larger Geospatial One-Stop project currently underway by the Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC).More information about Geospatial One-Stop is available at .A second facet of the GOS-TP initiative will focus on the generation of GML application schemas needed for the Geospatial One-Stop Data Content models.Part of the Geospatial One-Stop process is to develop standards and models for the geospatial framework data content.

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