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OGCs President Receives CIO Magazines 20/20 Award

Wayland, MA, USA, October 4, 2002 – The Open GIS Consortium, Inc. (OGC) announced today that OGC President, David Schell this week received a CIO Magazine 20/20 Vision award as a visionary creator/seller of technology.Mr. Schell will participate with other 20/20 Vision award winners on a panel moderated by Esther Dyson at CIO Magazines Perspectives Conference, Oct. 6 – 8 at the Loews Coronado Bay Resort, San Diego, CA.See The CIO 20/20 Vision Awards mark the first award program weve done to honor individuals instead of organizations, says Abbie Lundberg, CIO magazines editor-in-chief.Earlier this year, the leadership of the Geospatial Information & Technology Association (GITA) nominated Mr. Schell for the CIO 20/20 award.Davids CIO 20/20 Award is a fitting tribute to his vision and hard work, without which we wouldnt have these specifications.

OGC Approves Major Specifications for GeoSpatial Web Services

Vendor products that implement the Web Feature Service Specification can support distributed, Web-based geospatial feature data operations critical to government, commercial, academic and other applications.The Filter Encoding Specification enables any client to specify a query for information from WFS enabled server.The Style Layer Descriptor Implementation Specification provides the ability to describe rules for symbolizing maps.The Web Feature Service Implementation Specification describes feature database operations (e.g., points, lines, and polygons) making it possible for client and server applications to interoperate across the web.The OGC WFS, SLD and Filter Encoding represent an important addition to the emerging suite of OGC Web Services and will support interoperable implementations around the world.

OGC Announces Critical Infrastructure Protection Initiative Phase 2

jharrison [at] opengeospatial.orgRequest for Quotations Available Sept. 27 Wayland, MA, USA, September 24, 2002 – The Open GIS Consortium, Inc. (OGC) announced today the U.S. Census Bureau will sponsor the second phase of the Critical Infrastructure Protection Initiative, CIPI-2.The online editing system will be the first step to moving a currently manual system on the Web.WebTIGER aims to develop a standards-based Web server to serve TIGER® data and map images over the Web.The online TIGER Mapping service, developed as a stand-alone prototype system in the last decade, serves TIGER data from 1998.The OGC Census TIGER/GML® pilot is being conducted as part of CIPI to maximize collaboration and sharing of development activities, technology enhancements, OGC Critical Infrastructure Collaboration Environment (CICE) testing, and web services delivery.

Autodesk Becomes OGC Principal Plus Member

Wayland, MA, September 19, 2002 – The Open GIS Consortium, Inc. (OGC) announced today that Autodesk, Inc. (Nasdaq: ADSK) has become the first Principal Plus level OGC member.Autodesk has been an OGC member since 1994 and has been involved in several of its programs, including the recent OGC Web Services Initiative.In addition to the responsibilities of Principal Members, Principal Plus members dedicate resources directly to OGC programs.We are looking forward to the benefits of becoming the first OGC Principal Plus member and playing a leading role in the Critical Infrastructure and Protection Initiative to support security.For more information on the new Principal Plus OGC membership, please visit .

OGC Seeks Interested Parties for Public Transit Modeling Activity

This Transit MAT will develop data content standards and an associated Abstract Feature Model in Unified Modeling Language (UML), which will support the exchange of mapping information about public transit features between cooperating organizations and communities.This task is part of a larger effort to develop data content standards and other capabilities for the Geospatial One-Stop project currently underway by the Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC).Content standards and models resulting from the MAT process will be submitted to American National Standards Institute (ANSI) for adoption.OGC is seeking expression of industry interest to participate in the Transit MAT to provide modeling support.OGC will make small scholarship funds available to compensate some of the interested organizations.

OGC Seeks Interested Parties for Air Transportation Modeling Activity

kbuehler [at] opengeospatial.orgWayland, MA, September 9, 2002 – The Open GIS Consortium, Inc. (OGC) invites expressions of interest from industry organizations to participate in a Model Advisory Team (MAT) regarding a nationwide Transportation Framework Data Content Standard, specifically the Air Transportation component.This Air MAT will develop data content standards and an associated Abstract Feature Model in Unified Modeling Language (UML), which will support the exchange of mapping information about air transportation features between cooperating organizations and communities.This task is part of a larger effort to develop data content standards and other capabilities for the Geospatial One-Stop project currently underway by the Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC).Content standards and models resulting from the MAT process will be submitted to American National Standards Institute (ANSI) for adoption.OGC is seeking expression of industry interest to participate in the Air MAT to provide modeling support.

OGC Issues a Request for Technology in Support of the Geographic Objects Initiative

cheazel [at] opengeospatial.orgjharrison [at] opengeospatial.orgWayland, MA, USA, September 6, 2002 – The Open GIS Consortium, Inc. (OGC) invites responses to a Request for Technology (RFT) for the Geographic Objects Initiative Phase 1 (GO-1).The vision for the Geographic Objects Initiative is to define platform-independent and implementation-neutral interface models of specific geographic services or component objects.These Geographic Objects will provide the building blocks that are necessary for cross platform operations.This RFT is soliciting information applicable to the Geographic Objects Initiative from the geospatial and information technology communities.The responses will be used to assess the current state-of-the-art and to plan the next stages of the GO-1 Initiative.

OGC Seeks Participants to Tackle Specification Testing Issues

The National Imagery and Mapping Agency (NIMA) and United States Geological Survey (USGS) are sponsoring the initiative to advance conformance testing within the consortium.The OGC Interoperability Program and the OGC Specification Program have produced several recently published OGC Web service specifications.The CITE Initiative Planning and Feasibility Study will research alternative models for conformance and interoperability testing within the OGC.The conformance testing engine will be available through the OGC-Network at the completion of the CITE Initiative.For more information, please contact Mr. Jeff Harrison, OGC Interoperability Program Executive Director, (703) 491-9543, or.

OGC Seeks Quotations/Participation in Critical Infrastructure Protection Initiative

tidol [at] opengeospatial.orgjharrison [at] opengeospatial.orgWayland, MA, USA, August 19, 2002 – The Open GIS Consortium, Inc. (OGC) invites responses to a Call for Participation/Request for Quotation (RFP/RFQ) for OGC Critical Infrastructure Protection Initiative Phase 1 (CIPI-1).CIPI takes a new approach to help organizations publish, discover, access, exchange, and maintain vital geo-spatial information and online geoprocessing services required to support critical infrastructure protection.As critical infrastructure protection becomes further integrated into government functions, decision makers need the management edge that interoperable geoprocessing provides.CIPI-1 is the first of several pilot programs addressing the challenge of critical infrastructure protection.CIPI-1 has several objectives including the creation of a Critical Infrastructure Collaborative Environment (CICE).

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