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ORACLE Passes First OpenGIS Conformance Test

Wayland, MA, USA, May 10, 1999: The OpenGIS Consortium, Inc. (OGC) announced today that Oracle is one of the first companies to pass conformance tests for OGCs OpenGIS Simple Features Specification for SQL.(See for details of the conformance tests.)Oracle tested its Oracle Spatial product (versions 8.0.5 and 8.1.5), which allows seamless integration with enterprise client applications.Users can help by reminding vendors that OpenGIS interoperability interfaces are a high priority.Jack Pellicci, Vice President, Oracle Service Industries, said, We are proud to be the first Principle Member of the OpenGIS Consortium to pass conformance testing with our Oracle Spatial 8.0 and 8i products.

Geospatial Standards Move Toward Implementation and Interoperability

Information technology standards are often book-sized documents of rather arcane technical information and directives.Yet, the best information technology standards directly affect our daily lives, change the way we do business, and, indeed, change the world.The result will be tighter linkages for the family of information technology standards related to geography, mapping, land use, land ownership, surveying, and so on.A secondary goal of the Cooperative Agreement is the advancing of OGC Implementation Specifications toward International Standard Status.The work on Gridded Coverages will provide consensus implementation specifications for fundamental behaviors that Gridded Coverages need to support.

Deutsche PhoneSat Joins Geoprocessing Standards Effort

As a Principal Member, Deutsche PhoneSat will have a seat on OGCs Management Committee and will help shape the consortiums business plan and its OpenGIS(R) Specification plan and schedule.Participation in OGC will help Deutsche PhoneSat play a role in integrating geographic information and analysis into enterprise information systems and into network-resident spatial information services for a variety of consumer products.David Schell, president of OGC, said, Deutsche PhoneSat has a vision and a strategy that fit perfectly with OGCs view of how the industry is changing.Deutsche PhoneSat has an excellent track record in delivering complex high technology systems such as air traffic control and satellite-based public and private communications networks.The Open GIS Consortium is a not-for-profit industry consortium dedicated to the widespread use of interoperable geoprocessing throughout the worlds information infrastructures.

OGC Requests Technology For Web Mapping

The Open GIS Consortium, Inc. (OGC) issued a request for technology (RFT) for an OGC Interoperability Initiative called the Web Mapping Technology Testbed.Sponsored by the Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC), the US Army Topographic Engineering Center (TEC) and the National Imagery and Mapping Agency (NIMA), the testbed is intended to advance Web mapping technology, support development of a multi-vendor portable demonstration, and feed requirements into OGCs OpenGIS Specification process.The rapidly evolving World Wide Web provides unprecedented on-line access to information and services.Web-based Mapping Technology describes technology and architectures to provide users with on-line, distributed access to geospatial information, geographic analysis, and terrain visualization applications using a web-based client and internet/intranet access and protocols.Testbed sponsors seek interoperable, web-based access to distributed geographic information, the ability to rapidly construct sophisticated end-user applications on demand, and tools to transmit geographic information directly to the user desktop.

Telecom Input Needed For Open GIS Specifications

OGC, a 147 member international consortium, is developing the OpenGIS Specification for standard software interfaces.Diverse GIS, AM/FM, earth imaging, and navigation systems with OpenGIS Specification conformant interfaces will be able to communicate directly in terms of earth coordinates, geometry, geographic feature attributes, etc.Merged Telcos will work together more smoothly because the merged companies geoprocessing systems will work together.Tom Strickland of Byers Engineering is the chair of the Telco SIG, in which many of the telecommunications industrys geoprocessing software vendors are represented.The OGC Telecommunications RFI is available at .


Wayland, Massachusetts, USA March 31, 1998 – The Open GIS Consortium, Inc. (OGC) announced today that Ordnance Survey, the National Mapping Agency of Great Britain, has joined OGC as a Technical Committee member.Ordnance Survey is the first major non-US government agency to join OGC.About Ordnance Survey Ordnance Survey employs around 1850 people in their headquarters in Southampton and in 81 offices across Britain.The NTD is also the prime source of information used to create a wide range of Ordnance Survey products at many scales, from paper maps to digital datasets.UKs Ordnance Survey joins a group of US federal agencies in OGC, including the US Geological Survey National Mapping Division, Department of Defense National Imagery and Mapping Agency, NASA National Space Science Data Center, and the Department of Agriculture National Resources Conservation Service.

OGC Announces Further Progress Toward Open Geoprocessing

These most recent OGC bimonthly meetings were hosted by Siemens Nixdorf Informationssystemes (SNI) (Munich, Germany), a Principal Member of OGC.It goes the next step beyond the first OpenGIS Implementation Specifications for Simple Features.OpenGIS Grid Coverages Implementation Specifications will provide standard methods for systems to create and share additional types of geospatial information.The Open GIS Consortium is an international organization of 118 members engaged in a cooperative effort to create open computing specifications in the area of geoprocessing.OGC envisions the full integration of geospatial data and geoprocessing resources into mainstream computing and the widespread use of interoperable, commercial geoprocessing software throughout the information infrastructure.

OGC Announces OpenGIS Specification Milestones

Wayland, Massachusetts, USA, February 27, 1998 – The Open GIS Consortium, Inc. (OGC) announced today two important milestones in the development of its OpenGIS Specification, a specification for software interfaces that will give computer users easy access to complex geospatial data and geographic information processing capabilities.The RFPs request the submission of proposed detailed engineering specifications for software interfaces which implement recently completed parts of OGCs OpenGIS Abstract Specification.One of the RFPs is called the Grid Coverages RFP, which goes the next step beyond the first OpenGIS Implementation Specifications for Simple Features.The previously completed Simple Features Implementation Specifications provide standard methods for systems to communicate simple geometry, spatial reference system, and attribute information.OpenGIS Implementation Specifications for Catalogs will provide standard methods for publishing and discovering information about network-resident geodata.

OpenGIS® Simple Features Specifications Available Now

Wayland, MA USA, September 5, 1997 – The Open GIS Consortium, Inc. (OGC) announced today that its recently announced OpenGIS Simple Features Specifications are now available to the public at .Strong demand for early access to the specifications prompted OGC to make them available during the final editing period.The OGC Technical Committee will make minor revisions during the next two months, leading to release of the Revision 1.0 specifications early in November.The three OpenGIS Simple Feature specifications enable programmers to write application software using interfaces that give applications open access to heterogeneous geographic data sources on three distributed computing platforms: Microsofts OLE/COM, the Object Management Groups CORBA, and SQL.The specifications were reviewed, demonstrated and approved at OGCs August 11-14 Technical Committee and Management Committee meetings at Cambridge University, Cambridge, England.

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