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OGC June Member Meeting Madrid 2022

Bringing the Heat in Madrid: a recap of our 123rd Member Meeting

OGC’s 123rd Member Meeting – our long awaited return to in-person(!) – was held in Madrid, Spain, from June 13-16, 2022. And even with the heatwave…

Ivan DeLoatch receives OGC Lifetime Achievement Award

OGC recognizes and celebrates Ivan’s lifetime of service and his steadfast support of geospatial open standards as a component of improved efficiency, governance, and decision-making.The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) is proud to announce that Ivan DeLoatch is the latest recipient of the OGC Lifetime Achievement Award.The OGC Lifetime Achievement Award is given on occasion to an individual who has provided exceptional service, over many years, advancing seamless data interoperability.Examples include pilots that supported GEOSS Architecture Implementation, Arctic Spatial Data Infrastructure, and Disaster Risk Resilience.Ivan recognized that barriers to adoption could be reduced by advocating implementation enablers including OGC API, GeoPackage, Cloud Services, and Health Spatial Data Infrastructure efforts.

OGC elects Dr. Zaffar Sadiq Mohamed-Ghouse to its Board of Directors

Zaffar brings rich and diverse board experience, a focus on Space and Spatial sector integration, and a passion to support the earth observation community.The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) has announced the election of Dr. Zaffar Sadiq Mohamed-Ghouse to its Board of Directors.“Aligning geospatial data innovation and utility across industry, academia and government is OGC’s calling,” said Jeffrey Harris, Chair of the OGC Board of Directors.“Zaffar is a geospatial rainmaker whose broad first-hand experience will bring important insights and marketplace understanding to the OGC Board.He brings his rich and diverse Board experience to OGC.

Developers invited to the 2022 Joint OGC & ISO/TC 211 Code Sprint: The Metadata Code Sprint

The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) and Technical Committee 211 (TC 211) of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) invite software developers to the 2022 Joint OGC & ISO/TC 211 Code Sprint aka The Metadata Code Sprint.The code sprint is sponsored at the Gold level by OGC Strategic Member Ordnance Survey, and at the Silver level by OGC Technical Member Geonovum.The code sprint begins at 9:00am BST (UTC+1) on Sept. 14, and ends at 5:00pm BST (UTC+1) on Sept. 16.To learn more about future and previous OGC code sprints, visit the OGC Code Sprints webpage, the OGC Developer Events Wiki, or join the OGC Events Discord Server.Registration is available on the OGC & ISO/TC211 Metadata Code Sprint website.

OGC Welcomes new Principal Member, the Saudi Arabia General Authority for Survey and Geospatial Information

GASGI joins OGC as a Principal Member to leverage the OGC’s collective geospatial expertise in building a healthy & competitive Geospatial Sector within KSA.The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) is pleased to welcome the Saudi Arabia General Authority for Survey and Geospatial Information (GASGI) as a new OGC Principal Member.“I commend their commitment to change, innovation, capacity building, and engagement with the international community as they build their Spatial Data Infrastructure based on internationally proven geospatial standards and best practices.About GASGIGeneral Authority for Survey and Geospatial Information (GASGI) Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, as of Royal Resolution (90) dated 5/2/1442H while developing data products, solutions offerings, services to drive and enable growth in the geospatial market.GASGI is also responsible for geospatial standards and developing capacity for the geospatial sector.

OGC Calling For Participation in its Water Quality Interoperability Experiment

The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) has released a Call for Participation (CFP) to solicit proposals for the OGC Water Quality Interoperability Experiment (WQ IE), which will advance the development of the WaterML 2.0 suite of standards in the area of water quality data.The sharing of water quality data globally and nationally is currently limited.The establishment of international standards for water quality data, then, is critical if we wish to enhance the availability of water quality information at the global level and increase the effectiveness of development activities.Interoperability of water quality data is critical to improved management of water resources and depends on the use of common semantics (vocabularies/taxonomies) and technical scenarios.For more information on this Interoperability Experiment, including the Call For Participation, visit the OGC Water Quality IE page on

OGC joins new Metaverse Standards Forum as Founding Member

New Metaverse Standards Forum aims to foster the development of Open Standards for the metaverse through collaboration between Standards bodies, Industry, and Academia.The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) is pleased to announce that it is a founding member of the newly launched Metaverse Standards Forum.The Metaverse Standards Forum, hosted by Khronos Group, brings together leading standards organizations and companies for industry-wide cooperation on interoperability standards needed to build the open metaverse.The Metaverse Standards Forum aims to foster consensus-based cooperation between diverse SDOs and companies to define and align requirements and priorities for metaverse standards – accelerating their availability and reducing duplication of effort across the industry.About the Metaverse Standards ForumThe Metaverse Standards Forum brings together companies and standards organizations to foster alignment on requirements and priorities for metaverse interoperability standards, and accelerate their development and deployment through pragmatic, action-based projects.

OGC seeking Public Comment on Deprecation of v1.0 of the Geographic Information – Well Known Text Representation of Coordinate Reference Systems Standard

The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) seeks public comment on the Deprecation of v1.0 of the Geographic Information – Well Known Text Representation of Coordinate Reference Systems Standard.Numerous flavors of this generation exist, which are referred to colloquially as “CRS WKT1.”The “CRS WKT2” specification that’s conformant with Abstract Specification Topic 2, Referencing by coordinates.There have been two versions of this WKT2 standard: OGC document 12-063, Well Known Text Representation of Coordinate Reference Systems (WKT CRS) version 1.0, which is conformant with Topic 2 (OGC document 08-015) and ISO 19111:2007.OGC document 18-010, Well Known Text Representation of Coordinate Reference Systems (WKT CRS) version 2.0, conformant with revised Topic 2 (OGC document 18-005) and ISO 19111:2019.Comments are due by September 5, 2022, and should be submitted via the method outlined on the Version 1.0 of the Geographic Information – Well Known Text Representation of Coordinate Reference Systems (WKT CRS) Standard (12-063r5) deprecation public comment request page.

OGC Compliance Certification Available for GeoRSS v1.0

The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) is excited to announce that the Executable Test Suite (ETS) for version 1.0 of the OGC GeoRSS Encoding Standard has been approved by the OGC Membership.The OGC GeoRSS Encoding Standard is an OGC Community Standard that has been implemented across several Information Technology domains.Products that implement OGC GeoRSS 1.0 and pass the tests in the ETS can now be certified as OGC Compliant.The OGC Compliance Program is a certification process that ensures organizations solutions are compliant with OGC Standards.Implementers of the OGC GeoRSS 1.0 Encoding Standard – or other OGC Standards – can validate their products using the OGC validator tool.

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