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Evolving Spatial Data Infrastructure

Spatial Data is distributed across users, tools, and regions for a variety of purposes via Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI), but there are additional economic and…

OGC CEO Dr Nadine Alameh Appointed to Board of UN-GGIM Private Sector Network

The United Nations Committee of Experts on Global Geospatial Information Management Private Sector Network provides a conduit for the private sector to work with UN Member States on global geospatial initiatives.The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) is excited to announce that OGC CEO, Dr. Nadine Alameh, has been appointed to the Board of the United Nations Committee of Experts on Global Geospatial Information Management (UN-GGIM) Private Sector Network (PSN).The UN-GGIM PSN was established in 2016 with the intent to help the private sector better work with UN Member States in order to achieve global geospatial initiatives.UN-GGIM PSN Chair, Sanjay Kumar, commented “The UN-GGIM PSN is excited to welcome Nadine Alameh to the Board.OGC members together form a global forum of experts and communities that use location to connect people with technology and improve decision-making at all levels.

OGC CEO Dr Nadine Alameh Appointed to Board of UN-GGIM Private Sector Network

The United Nations Committee of Experts on Global Geospatial Information Management Private Sector Network provides a conduit for the private sector to work with UN Member States on global geospatial initiatives.

Fair Climate Services

Producing and providing reliable information for climate services requires huge volumes of data to come together and process from different scientific eco-systems – requiring standards…

Five Things Location Tech Can Do Before the Next Pandemic

Article contributed by Jessie Abbate, PhD, Infectious Disease Ecologist, Epidemiologist, and Geospatial Data Scientist at Geomatys – During its March 2021 members meeting, the Health Domain…

OGC appoints three new members to its Board of Directors

The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) has announced the election of Patty Mims, Javier de la Torre, and Prashant Shukle to its Board of Directors.“The addition to our Board of these talented and respected geospatial community leaders will add great value.Prashant also sits on the Board of Directors of PLACE, a non-profit data trust specialising in hyperlocal mapping data in the public interest.In 2018, Prashant was awarded the OGC Lifetime Achievement Award for his contributions to the global geospatial standards community.OGC members together form a global forum of experts and communities that use location to connect people with technology and improve decision-making at all levels.

OGC appoints three new members to its Board of Directors

The new appointees’ diverse sets of experiences will inform the strategy of the Consortium and help instill innovation.

Public Comment requested on OGC API – Common candidate standard, which outlines common elements for all OGC APIs

OGC API – Common – Part 1: Core serves as a solid foundation upon which all OGC APIs can be built.OGC has documented these common elements in the form of the OGC API – Common candidate standard.Since OGC API – Common is the foundation for OGC API standards, a stable baseline is required prior to developing those standards.Therefore, the OGC API – Common SWG decided that OGC API – Common would go through at least two OGC Public Comment Periods.An alternative approach to making OGC API – Common an official OGC Standard has been proposed where OGC API – Common would instead take the form of an official registry of API building blocks fundamental to all OGC API Standards.

Public Comment requested on OGC API – Common candidate standard, which outlines common elements for all OGC APIs

OGC API – Common – Part 1: Core serves as a solid foundation upon which all OGC APIs can be built.

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