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All news (1453 match criteria)

OGC to form Geospatial Reporting Indicators Standards Working Group; Public Comment sought on Charter

New SWG will support transparency, enable interoperability, and promote knowledge-sharing surrounding the use of international reporting indicators that rely on geospatial data.

OGC to form Geographic Data Files Standards Working Group; Public Comment sought on Charter

New SWG will create a major revision to the GDF Standard, used for the preparation and exchange of spatial and map data within the Intelligent Transport Systems domain.

OGC considering openEO as a Community Standard; comment sought on its adoption

openEO aims to increase the interoperability of processing “big EO data” satellite imagery in the cloud.

OGC Seeks Public Comment on OGC API – Maps – Part 1: Core Candidate Standard

OGC API – Maps defines web APIs that can serve spatially referenced electronic maps in a manner independent of the underlying data store.

Enhancing capabilities by adopting Standards for emerging technologies

Good, domain-driven Standards-definition is key to a FAIRer technology landscape and eases the integration of emerging technologies.

Developers invited to the February 2024 OGC API – Coverages Virtual Code Sprint

Sprint will refine OGC API – Coverages: a web API Standard for efficient retrieval of spatiotemporal data for a given time, area, and resolution.

OGC considering Bathymetric Attributed Grid as a Community Standard; comment sought on its adoption

BAG is an established open specification for representing bathymetric data as regular grids of seafloor depths with the corresponding vertical uncertainty and associated metadata.

OGC Calls For Participation in the Releasable Basemap Tiles GeoPackage Sprint

Three-week Sprint intends to test a draft specification for NSG Vector Tiles Interoperability Volume 2: Basemap Tile Packages

OGC forms new GeoZarr Standards Working Group to establish a Zarr encoding for geospatial data

SWG to develop a GeoZarr Standard that establishes flexible and inclusive conventions for the cloud-native Zarr format that meet the diverse requirements of the geospatial domain.

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