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OGC members create new ‘OGC API – Styles’ Standards Working Group

The purpose of the Standards Working Group is to develop and maintain an OGC API – Styles core standard as well as extensions to that standard.For providers of styles, OGC API – Styles will provide a uniform means to publish and offer those styles as resources for use by other systems.OGC members who can share their expertise regarding OGC API – Styles are invited to participate in the Working Group.Visit the ‘OGC API – Styles’ Standards Working Group homepage for more information on the group, including how to participate.Visit OGC’s Domain Working Group and Standards Working Group pages to learn about other standards activities happening in OGC.

OGC members create new ‘OGC API – Styles’ Standards Working Group

Working Group aims to develop a new OGC API that will allow creators to publish and share styles to be used by different users, systems, and datasets – allowing a visual and semantic consistency across maps from disparate providers

Results of OGC’s biggest Innovation Initiative in 2019, Testbed-15, are now available

The key outcomes, including detailed Engineering Reports, overview presentations, and videos, are freely available on the Testbed-15 webpage.OGC Testbed results, documented in Engineering Reports, are provided to OGC’s Standards Program, where they are reviewed, revised, and potentially advanced as new international open standards.Alongside the sixteen Engineering Reports, Testbed-15 resulted in advancements to the suite of draft OGC APIs, including APIs related to Styles, Maps, Tiles, Records, and the OGC API-Common building block.Further work focused on extensions to GeoPackage, and technologies including Machine Learning and Earth Observation “applications to the data.”The key outcomes of Testbed-15, including detailed Engineering Reports, overview presentations, and videos, are freely available on the Testbed-15 webpage.OGC’s member-driven consensus process creates royalty free, publicly available geospatial standards.

Results of OGC’s biggest Innovation Initiative in 2019, Testbed-15, are now available

The latest advances in Geospatial Data Processing, Analysis, and Visualization have been documented in Testbed-15’s Sixteen Engineering Reports

OGC and Natural Resources Canada issue a Request For Information concerning the modernization of spatial data infrastructures

The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) and Natural Resources Canada (NRCan), an OGC Strategic Member, are requesting information to support the Modernizing SDI: Enabling Data Interoperability for Regional Assessments and Cumulative Effects Concept Development Study (Modernizing SDI CDS).Responses to the Request For Information (RFI) are due May 29, 2020.The Modernizing SDI CDS seeks to provide solutions to the challenge of inter-jurisdictional data interoperability within a rapidly evolving digital environment.Such technologies could include, but are not limited to:OpenAPIsMachine-learning/reasoningData fabrics, data lakesCloud environments and servicesBlockchainsA key input into this research is this Request For Information (RFI), a survey/questionnaire asking data providers, data users, and geospatial data solution providers for information about the current state of spatial data infrastructure(s) around the world.Responses to the Request for Information (RFI) are requested by May 29, 2020.

OGC and Natural Resources Canada issue a Request For Information concerning the modernization of spatial data infrastructures

RFI will feed into a study to help modernize spatial data infrastructures by integrating new tools, standards, and techniques (such as machine learning) to advance inter-jurisdictional data interoperability – RESPONSE DATE EXTENDED to June 19.

OGC and Ordnance Survey Invite Developers to the OGC API – Tiles Sprint

The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) and Ordnance Survey, an OGC Strategic Member, invites interested developers to the OGC API – Tiles Sprint, to be held by remote participation on 23rd to 24th April, 2020.In this Code Sprint, OGC members and non-members alike will come together to experiment with and validate the current draft OGC API – Tiles specification.This pattern is being adopted for all OGC API standards as highlighted in the OGC API – Common candidate standard.OGC API – Tiles seeks to implement this pattern for the delivery of tiled resources, such as raster or vector tiles.“As a Strategic Member of OGC, Ordnance Survey are pleased to continue supporting the development of the next generation of OGC API standards.

OGC and Ordnance Survey Invite Developers to the OGC API – Tiles Sprint

Online code sprint will further develop and test a new OpenAPI-based OGC API for the delivery of tiled resources, such as raster or vector tiles.

OGC announces candidate OGC API – Features – Part 2 standard; public comment requested

The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) seeks public comment on the OGC API – Features – Part 2: Coordinate Reference Systems candidate standard.The OGC API family of standards define modular API building blocks to spatially enable Web APIs in a consistent way.OGC API – Features provides the fundamental API building blocks to create, modify, and query ‘features’ on the Web (features are simply the digital representations of objects of interest in the real world).The candidate ‘OGC API – Features – Part 2: Coordinate Reference Systems’ standard is available for review and comment on the OGC Portal.Comments should be submitted via the OGC API – Features Issues Tracker on GitHub for this standard.

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