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OGC considering OpenFlight Scene Description Specification as an OGC Community Standard; public comment sought before approval

OpenFlight is a 3D scene description file format widely used in the aviation simulation industry

OGC invites responses to its 3D Data Container and Tiles API Pilot Call For Participation; funding available for participants

3D Data Container and Tiles API Pilot seeks to assess a data container model and API that will support smooth transitions between 3D and 2D data environments; allow applications working with 2D tiles to get 3D tiles; and more.The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) has released the Call for Participation for its 3D Data Container and Tiles API Pilot and is offering funding for interested participants.Participants can optimize their products for 3D data handling both on the client and the server side for massive 3D data.The 3D Data Container and Tiles API Pilot is being conducted under OGC’s Innovation Program, the research and development (R&D) laboratory of OGC.More information on the Pilot, including the official Call for Participation, is available on the OGC 3D Data Container and Tiles API Pilot Webpage.

OGC invites responses to its 3D Data Container and Tiles API Pilot Call For Participation; funding available for participants

3D Data Container and Tiles API Pilot seeks to assess a data container model and API that will support smooth transitions between 3D and 2D data environments; allow applications working with 2D tiles to get 3D tiles; and more.

OGC invites you to its Augmented Reality Summit in Toulouse, France

What partnerships or collaborative projects can OGC members establish or expand to inform and advance interoperable AR?How will OGC members benefit from their collaborative or parallel activities within OGC and with/in other organizations to reduce barriers to widespread interoperable AR experiences?If you’re Interested in speaking at this event, please propose a topic via the OGC Augmented Reality Summit Speaker Proposal Form.For more information on the OGC November 2019 AR Summit, including how to register, visit the OGC November 2019 AR Summit event page on the OGC website.OGC members together form a global forum of experts and communities that use location to connect people with technology and improve decision-making at all levels.

OGC invites you to its Augmented Reality Summit in Toulouse, France

OGC’s November 2019 AR Summit will bring together experts to discuss how to standardize access to AR related data and services, and encourage AR’s proliferation

OGC announces new JSON Encoding Extension to its Moving Features Standard; seeks public comment before approval

New Moving Features Extension provides a JSON encoding as an alternative to XML or Simple CSVThe Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) is seeking public comment on the new OGC Moving Features Encoding Extension – JSON candidate standard.OGC Moving Features Encoding Extension – JSON provides an IETF GeoJSON encoding for OGC Moving Features as an alternative to XML Core or Simple CSV.For example, the traffic congestion on roads and ‘hotspots’ of air pollution are typical moving features seen in the real world.The candidate OGC Moving Features Encoding Extension – JSON is available for review and comment on the OGC Portal.Comments are due by the 21st of November, 2019, and should be submitted via the method outlined on the OGC Moving Features Encoding Extension – JSON request page.

OGC announces new JSON Encoding Extension to its Moving Features Standard; seeks public comment before approval

New Moving Features Extension provides a JSON encoding as an alternative to XML or Simple CSV

OGC 3D streaming Community Standard, I3S, receives update: public comment sought before approval

Latest version of I3S standard, used for streaming large 3D datasets, adds Point Cloud Scene Layer type, improved performance, and more.The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) seeks public comment on v1.1 of the candidate OGC Community Standard Indexed 3d Scene Layer (I3S) and Scene Layer Package Format Specification.I3S v1.0 was approved as an OGC Community standard in 2017 Since then new features have been developed and implemented by the I3S community.The changes included in v1.1 of the OGC I3S Community Standard include:Addition of the Point Cloud Scene Layer (PCSL) type.The candidate I3S Community Standard is available for review and comment on the OGC Portal.

OGC and STAC invite developers to Sprint to advance OGC APIs for Features and Catalogues

Developers at the ‘2019 OGC API – Features and Catalogues Sprint’ will work on Query and Filter reusable components to standardize geospatial data access across ‘OGC API – Features’, ‘OGC API – Catalogue’, and other geospatial API’s.The ‘2019 OGC API – Features and Catalogues Sprint’ will occur at IQT CosmiQ Works, Arlington, VA, USA on 5-7 November, 2019.In parallel, but in close coordination, the STAC community has been advancing a specification focused on imagery catalogs, which is based on OGC API – Features.The Sprint will be run by the OGC API – Features Standards Working Group (SWG) Chairs, key leadership from the STAC initiative, and with support from OGC staff.For more information, including info on how to participate, visit the 2019 OGC API – Features and Catalogues Sprint web page on the OGC website.

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