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OGC hosts successful launch of Smart Cities Tech Pilot

Left to right: Nadine Alameh, OGC CEO; Norman Speicher, Program Manager / Computer Scientist at DHS S&T; and Mayor Lyda Krewson, Mayor of the City of St. Louis, at the Launch of the PIlot.

OGC hosts successful launch of Smart Cities Tech Pilot

Left to right: Nadine Alameh, OGC CEO; Norman Speicher, Program Manager / Computer Scientist at DHS S&T; and Mayor Lyda Krewson, Mayor of the City of St. Louis, at the Launch of the PIlot.

OGC hosts successful launch of Smart Cities Tech Pilot

Left to right: Nadine Alameh, OGC CEO; Norman Speicher, Program Manager / Computer Scientist at DHS S&T; and Mayor Lyda Krewson, Mayor of the City of St. Louis, at the Launch of the PIlot.

OGC seeks public comment on draft charter for new Environmental Data Retrieval API Standards Working Group

The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) seeks public comment on the draft charter for the new Environmental Data Retrieval API Standards Working Group (SWG).The Environmental Data Retrieval API SWG will standardize some APIs, defined with OpenAPI Version 3, to retrieve various common data patterns from a data store.Much environmental data is truly Big Data, in that it cannot be readily copied and distributed in sensible timescales for many uses.A goal of the SWG is that these standardized APIs will be consistent with the strategic direction established by OGC members for OGC API standards, such as OGC API – Features and the future OGC API – Common.Comments are due by the 19th September 2019 and should be submitted via the method outlined on the Environmental Data Retrieval API Standards Working Group draft charter request page.

OGC seeks to modernize its Observations & Measurements standards: public comment is sought on new scope of work

The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) requests public comment on the recharter of the OGC Observations and Measurements (O&M) Standards Working Group (SWG).The ISO 19156 revision will be carried out by the ISO/TC 211 in parallel, and in close co-operation with the O&M SWG revision work on the OGC O&M encoding Standards.The OGC Observations and Measurements – XML Implementation (OGC 10-025r1) Standard defines an XML encoding for the concepts defined in OGC Abstract Specification Topic 20 and will also be revised to accommodate the changes to the OGC Observations and Measurements Abstract Specification.These formats are preferred in modern Web APIs, including those conforming to the OGC API – Features – Part 1: Core Draft Standard (OGC 17-069r2).The new Observations and Measurements Standards Working Group draft charter is available for review and comment on the OGC Portal.

OGC and SSSI Working Together to Enhance the Capacity of Spatial Professionals Across Australia

The Surveying & Spatial Sciences Institute (SSSI) is Australias peak body representing the interests of surveying and spatial science professionals, combining the disciplines of land surveying, engineering & mining surveying, cartography, hydrography, remote sensing, and spatial information science.Under the MoU, OGC and SSSI will work together to better address current and future surveying industry challenges and trends, enhance the capacity of spatial professionals across Australia, and support the use of geospatial and location information to achieve the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).Dr Nadine Alameh, CEO of OGC, and Dr Zaffar Sadiq Mohamed-Ghouse FRGS FSSSI, President of SSSI, signed a Memorandum of Understanding in New York on 7th August, 2019.At the signing, Dr Mohamed-Ghouse stated, “SSSI looks forward to working with OGC.OGC is committed to creating a sustainable future for us, our children, and future generations.

OGC and SSSI Working Together to Enhance the Capacity of Spatial Professionals Across Australia

Mr Simon Callaghan, Dr Zaffar Sadiq Mohamed-Ghouse, Dr Nadine Alameh and Mr Mark Reichardt (left to right)

OGC and SSSI Working Together to Enhance the Capacity of Spatial Professionals Across Australia

Mr Simon Callaghan, Dr Zaffar Sadiq Mohamed-Ghouse, Dr Nadine Alameh and Mr Mark Reichardt (left to right)

OGC and SSSI Working Together to Enhance the Capacity of Spatial Professionals Across Australia

Mr Simon Callaghan, Dr Zaffar Sadiq Mohamed-Ghouse, Dr Nadine Alameh and Mr Mark Reichardt (left to right)

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