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OGC calls for participation in its first Citizen Science Interoperability Experiment

The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) announces a Call for Participation in its first Citizen Science Interoperability Experiment (CitSciIE).Further, the number of citizen science projects is constantly growing.Sensor Web Enablement for Citizen Science ( SWE4CS )) to support data integration among Citizen Science projects, and with other sources, especially authoritative data;The integration of Citizen Science projects/campaigns in Single Sign-On system (SSO) federation;The relationships between OGC standards and data and metadata standards currently used by Citizen Science projects.Public Participation in Scientific Research (PPSR) – Core, the ontology developed by the COST Action on Citizen Science, and the Citizen Science Definition Service (CS-DS) developed in the NextGEOSS project).Satisfy the necessary requirements to integrate Citizen Science into Global Earth Observations System of Systems ( GEOSS ) by using OGC standards.

OGC Calls for Participation in its Indoor Mapping and Navigation Pilot

The Indoor Mapping and Navigation Pilot will create and advance solutions to complex geospatial challenges related to indoor mapping and navigation for first responders.The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) has released a Call for Participation to solicit proposals for the OGC Indoor Mapping and Navigation Pilot Initiative.The Indoor Mapping and Navigation Pilot, sponsored by the Public Safety Communications Research Division of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), will create and advance solutions to complex geospatial challenges related to indoor mapping and navigation for first responders.More information on the Pilot, including the requirements for participation, and how to submit any questions, is available in the Indoor Mapping and Navigation Pilot Call for Participation (CFP) or on the Indoor Mapping and Navigation Pilot webpage.OGC standards support interoperable solutions that ‘geo-enable’ the Web, wireless and location-based services, and mainstream IT.

OGC Invites you to the Disasters CDS Workshop at the NOAA Auditorium, Silver Spring, MD

Workshop will shape future activities to be led by OGC regarding disaster preparedness & response, and will inform potential Disaster Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDI).The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) invites you to the second Disasters Concept Development Study Workshop on July 24-25, 2018 at the NOAA Auditorium in Silver Spring, MD.For more information on the Disasters Concept Development Study visit the Disasters Interoperability Concept Development Study webpage or email tidol [at] more information on the Disasters CDS Workshop, including the agenda and how to register, visit the Disaster CDS Workshop at NOAA Silver Spring event page on the OGC website.OGC standards empower technology developers to make geospatial information and services accessible and useful within any application that needs to be geospatially enabled.

OGC announces an Urban themed Location Powers event, calls for speakers and participants

Location Powers: ‘Data, Interoperability and our Urban World’ will occur in Singapore 25-26 September 2018.The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) announces its next Location Powers event, which will focus on Data, Interoperability and our Urban World.The ‘Data, Interoperability and our Urban World’ Location Powers event will occur on 25-26 September 2018, with the Integrated Digital Built Environment (IDBE) meetings on 26-27 September.If you’re interested in speaking or attending, please use the contact form at the bottom of the Location Powers website.OGC standards support interoperable solutions that ‘geo-enable’ the Web, wireless and location-based services, and mainstream IT.

OGC calls for participation in its Underground Infrastructure Pilot Project MUDDI ETL-Plugfest

ETL-Plugfest will test and improve the Model for Underground Data Definition and Integration (MUDDI) using real-world data and integration scenarios as part of OGC’s Underground Pilot Project.MUDDI is being developed as an interchange and integration model to support a range of critical underground infrastructure and environment information.The primary goal of the ETL-Plugfest Workshop is to evaluate the MUDDI Data Model by conducting data modeling and transformation exercises involving datasets of varying formats and schemas from several municipal locations.Outcomes will include an updated MUDDI model, model implementation guidance, feedback on feasibility and utility from software developers, and refined data application scenarios for incorporation into subsequent OGC Pilot activities.For more information, see the MUDDI ETL-Plugfest Call for Participation (CFP).

OGC announces creation of regional Canada Forum on Geospatial Standards

Members of the Canadian geomatics community have chartered the ‘Canada Forum on Geospatial Standards’ as a venue for collaboration on geospatial standardisation activitiesThe Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) announces that the geomatics community in Canada recently chartered a ‘Canada Forum on Geospatial Standards’ to support regional coordination and communication regarding geospatial standardisation activities.The goal of the Canada Forum is to better serve Canadian needs for geospatial data and services.The charter members of the Canadian Forum on Geospatial Standards include:AE Inc.Computer Research Institute of Montreal (CRIM)Compusult Ltd.Cubewerx Inc.Ecere Corp.The first meeting of the Canada Forum on Geospatial Standards is scheduled for June 6 at the upcoming OGC TC Meetings held in Ft. Collins, Colorado, USA.OGC standards empower technology developers to make geospatial information and services accessible and useful within any application that needs to be geospatially enabled.

OGC seeks public comment on new Earth Observation Exploitation Platform Domain Working Group

New OGC Working Group has the goal of defining a standards-based framework for cloud-based access to and analysis of EO data.The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) seeks comments on the draft charter of a proposed Earth Observation Exploitation Platform Domain Working Group (DWG).This incentive has meant that cloud-based EO ‘Exploitation Platforms’ have been independently developed by many public organizations and commercial companies.The Earth Observation Exploitation Platform DWG draft charter is available for review and comment from the OGC Portal.See the OGC’s Domain Working Group and Standards Working Group pages to learn about other standards activities that are ongoing in the OGC.

OGC seeks public comment on new Interoperable Simulation and Gaming Domain Working Group

New OGC Working Group has the goal of evaluating how standards will enable the modeling, simulation, and gaming communities to mutually benefit from ongoing technological developments.The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) seeks comments on the draft charter of a proposed Interoperable Simulation and Gaming Domain Working Group (DWG).Gaming systems and technologies, while originally developed for entertainment, are increasingly being used as an interoperable mechanism for simulation of real world activities.However, most computer-based gaming systems have technical architectures that are different from traditional simulation systems.The Interoperable Simulation and Gaming DWG draft charter is available for review and comment from the OGC Portal.

OGC announced as official partner of Earth Challenge 2020, a Citizen Science Initiative

The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) is proud to announce that is an official partner of Earth Challenge 2020, a citizen science initiative that will mark the 50th anniversary of Earth Day in 2020.Earth Challenge 2020 is organized by Earth Day Network, the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, and the U.S. Department of State through the Eco-Capitals Forum.Citizen science volunteers around the world, working with professional scientists, will collect and share earth science data of their local communities on an unprecedented scale, providing new insight into the state of our environment.With the support of valued partners and global citizens, Earth Challenge 2020 has the potential to be the largest coordinated citizen science project ever attempted on Earth.To sign up for updates or to get involved email Anne.Bowser [at] or for a complete list of partners visit the Earth Challenge 2020 website.

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