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The OGC adopts GML in JPEG 2000 (“GMLJP2”) Encoding Standard Version 2

19 November 2014 – The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC®) has adopted the OGC GML in JPEG 2000 Encoding Standard (Part 1 – Core) (GMLJP2) version 2.The GMLJP2 geospatial data encoding standard defines how the OGC Geography Markup Language (GML) is to be used within JPEG 2000 images for adding geographic content to imagery.GMLJP2 Version 2 eliminates shortcomings of Version 1 and also addresses shortcomings of competing methods of using JPEG2000 in geospatial applications.All OGC standards are free and publicly available on the OGC Standards Page.You can view the GML in JPEG 2000 (GMLJP2) Encoding Standard version 2 at

OGC Supports European Data Modelling Workshop

National Mapping and Cadastral Agencies and other spatial data infrastructure (SDI) content providers are facing increasing demand for making well documented data in known data models available as standardised web-services.National e-government initiatives require spatial data to be modelled seamlessly with non-spatial data.Data modelling is a mature discipline, but how best to handle a number of specific modelling issues such as semantic mediation for cross community collaboration is challenging.RegistrationPlease register via: for abstractsParticipants in this workshop are invited to give a presentation on one or more of the topics described on the workshop web page.The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) is an international consortium of more than 495 companies, government agencies, research organizations, and universities participating in a consensus process to develop publicly available geospatial standards.

OGC seeks public comment on the Earth Observation Metadata profile of the OGC Observations & Measurements Standard

17 November 2014 – The membership of the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC®) seeks public comment on the candidate Earth Observation Metadata Profile of the OGC Observations and Measurements (O&M) Standard.The Earth Observation (EO) Metadata profile of Observations and Measurements is intended to provide a standard schema for encoding Earth Observation product metadata to support the description and cataloguing of products acquired by sensors aboard EO satellites.Version 1.0 of the EO Metadata profile of O&M is an OGC Implementation Standard that was adopted in 2012.The documents for the candidate OGC Earth Observation Metadata profile of Observations & Measurements Standard are available for review and comment at ( Standards empower technology developers to make geospatial information and services accessible and useful with any application that needs to be geospatially enabled.

OGC and GEO announce joint session on GEOSS in Asia: The Next 10 years

November 13, 2014 – Join the Group on Earth Observations (GEO), the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) and invited speakers at a special joint session scheduled for December 1st, 1100-1800 (JST), in Tokyo, Japan.The session is intended to provide an overview and discussion on the state of the Group on Earth Observations System of Systems (GEOSS) and the role of OGC and other standards to enable greater interoperability in the context of Asia, with a particular focus on GEO plans for the next ten years.GEO is a voluntary partnership of governments and organizations that envisions “a future wherein decisions and actions for the benefit of humankind are informed by coordinated, comprehensive and sustained Earth observations and information.” GEO membership includes 95 nations and the European Commission, and 77 Participating Organizations comprised of international bodies with a mandate in Earth observations.OGC Standards support interoperable solutions that geo-enable the Web, wireless and location-based services, and mainstream IT.OGC Standards empower technology developers to make geospatial information and services accessible and useful with any application that needs to be geospatially enabled.

OGC announces KML 2.2 Test Suite

The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC®) has announced that the OGC Members approved the KML 2.2 validator as part of the official OGC Compliance Testing Facility.The test suite is based on the KML Abstract Test Suite [2] and is structured in 3 levels:Level 1 – includes test cases covering requirements that must be satisfied by a minimally conformant KML document;- includes test cases covering requirements that must be satisfied by a minimally conformant KML document; Level 2 – same as Level 1, plus test cases addressing recommended constraints;- same as Level 1, plus test cases addressing recommended constraints; Level 3 – same as Level 2, plus test cases covering suggested constraints that are informative in nature.Organizations can test their KML instances (KML or KMZ) at no cost at the OGC Testing Facility.If an organization’s implementation successfully passes the KML test, then the organization can receive OGC certification for their KML implementation by following a simple procedure.OGC standards support interoperable solutions that geo-enable the Web, wireless and location-based services, and mainstream IT.

OGC Announces Location Powers: Smart Cities Summit, December 2nd, Tokyo, Japan

The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC®) invites you to attend the inaugural Location Powers Summit ( on 2nd December 2014 in Tokyo, Japan.The day’s journey will see us test our assumptions of what a Smart City is, explore the role of the citizen, look at how we “see” a Smart City, the fundamental infrastructure and how we understand a Smart City.Two important new OGC standards will be introduced at the Location Powers: Smart Cities Summit.The Location Powers Summits are hosted by the OGC, whose members have been making the world’s location standards for over 20 years.OGC standards support interoperable solutions that geo-enable the Web, wireless and location-based services and mainstream IT.

OGC adopts OGC Sensor Observation Service 2.0 Hydrology Profile Best Practice

The OGC membership has adopted the OGC Sensor Observation Service 2.0 Hydrology Profile as an OGC Best Practice.The OGC Sensor Observation Service (SOS) 2.0 Interface Standard ( defines a Web service interface that provides clients with a broad range of capabilities for discovering, gathering, and querying collections of observation data.The new OGC Sensor Observation Service 2.0 Hydrology Profile Best Practice is defined to overcome semantic issues between different SOS instances serving hydrological data and the related client applications.Therefore, this profile focuses on how to specify semantics and structure requests and defines the necessary technical details to implement an interoperable hydrology SOS profile.The SOS Hydrology Profile was developed and tested in the OGC Hydrology Interoperability Experiments and in the European GEOWOW project (GEOSS interoperability for Weather, Ocean and Water).

OGC Calls for Participation in Major Interoperability Testbed

The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC®) has issued a Request for Quotation/Call for Participation (RFP/CFP)in the OGC Testbed 11 Interoperability Testbed.Testbed 11 sponsors have documented interoperability requirements and objectives for this testbed activity.Participants’ solutions will implement existing OGC standards as well as new prototype interface and encoding specifications introduced or developed in Testbed 11.Prototype specifications may ultimately become OGC standards, revisions to existing OGC standards, or best practices for using OGC standards.See for more information about the 15 year old OGC Interoperability Program in which OGC testbeds, pilot projects and interoperability experiments are organized, planned and managed.

OGC seeks comment on new working group focused on representing time series spatial observation data

21 October 2014 – The OGC seeks comment on the charter for a new OGC Standards Working Group (SWG) being formed to develop an OGC standard – TimeSeriesML 1.0 – for the representation of time series observations data.This SWG will develop a TimeSeriesML 1.0 candidate standard submission, coordinate a public comment period, and process any comments received during this period.The final deliverable of the SWG will be a version of the candidate standard for consideration by the OGC membership for approval as an OGC standard.The draft charter for the OGC TimeSeriesML Standards Working Group is available at standards support interoperable solutions that geo-enable the Web, wireless and location-based services, and mainstream IT.

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