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OGC announces Big Data Domain Working Group

13 August 2014 – At the recent OGC meetings in Geneva, members of the OGC formed an OGC Big Data Domain Working Group.This OGC domain group provides an open forum for discussions and standards recommendations for Big Data interoperability, access, and analytics related to geospatial information.A report will be submitted to the OGC membership for publication as an OGC Best Practice paper.Because location-based and geospatial data applications are major contributors to the Big Data deluge, the OGC is positioned to provide guidance on the use of OGC standards in managing such data.The OGC Big Data Working Group, therefore, is addressing Big Data issues related to science, implementation, market value, and societal effects as well as the particular needs of communities and domains such as Earth Observation, Meteorology, and GNSS.

OGC publishes Testbed 10 Open Mobility location standards Engineering Reports

19 public Engineering Reports resulted from the Open Geospatial Consortiums (OGC®) OGC Testbed 10, the most recent in the OGCs yearly series of major geospatial interoperability testbeds.This information may be useful to implementors of OGC standards, but OGC Engineering Reports do not represent official OGC positions.The OGC Public Engineering Reports web page provides links to the engineering reports.The Testbed 10 Open Mobility Engineering reports include:OGC Testbed 10 OWS Context in NIEM Engineering Report (14-017)(14-017) OGC Testbed 10 GeoPackaging Engineering Report (14-058r1) (Still being edited.OGC Testbed 10 Service Integration Engineering Report ( 14-013r1)14-013r1) OGC Testbed 10 Annotations Engineering Report (14-002)(14-002) OGC Testbed 10 Rules for JSON and GeoJSON Adoption: Focus on OWS-Context Engineering Report (14-009r1)Below are descriptions of some of these Engineering Reports.

OGC calls for comment on candidate Moving Feature Encoding standard

24 July 2014 – The OGC seeks public comment on a candidate OGC® Moving Feature Encoding Standard.Part I of this candidate standard provides a standard way of encoding moving feature data in an XML encoding in the form of an OGC Geography Markup Language (GML) application schema.Part II provides a standard way of encoding moving feature data in a simple CSV (comma-separated value) format.The candidate OGC® Moving Feature Encoding Standard is available at innovative moving feature applications will require the overlay and integration of moving feature data from different sources.

OGC publishes Testbed 10 Cross-Community Interoperability Engineering Reports

23 July 2014 – 24 public Engineering Reports resulted from the Open Geospatial Consortiums (OGC®) recently completed OGC Interoperability Testbed 10 (OWS-10), the most recent in the OGCs yearly series of major geospatial interoperability testbeds.OGC Engineering Reports do not, however, represent official OGC positions.OGC TESTBED 10 CCI Hydro Model Interoperability Engineering Report (14-048)OGC TESTBED 10 CCI Ontology Engineering Report (14-049)OGC TESTBED 10 CCI Profile Interoperability Engineering Report (14-021r2)OGC TESTBED 10 CCI Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) Engineering Report (14-016)OGC TESTBED 10 CCI Virtual Global Gazetteer Engineering Report (14-029r2)OGC TESTBED 10 Provenance Engineering Report (14-001) The Testbed 10 CCI reports include:This summary provides an example of the content of a CCI Engineering Report: Integration of data created using different naming schemas was one of the important themes in the CCI activity.Summaries of all the Testbed 10 Engineering Reports are available on the OGC Interoperability Testbed 10 (OWS-10) web page.Contact the OGC to learn more about OGC Testbed 11 and how you might get involved as a sponsor or technology provider participant.

OGC calls for public comment on candidate standard for encoding coverages in JPEG2000

21 July 2014 – The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC®) membership seeks public comment on the candidate OGC GML Application Schema – Coverages – JPEG2000 Coverage Encoding Extension (abbreviated as “GMLCOV for JPEG2000”).Coverage instances may be encoded using the OGC GML Application Schema – Coverages (GMLCOV) Encoding Standard, which is based on the Geography Markup Language (GML), an XML grammar written in XML Schema for the transport and storage of geographic information.GMLCOV for JPEG2000 specifies an encoding of GML coverages for the JPEG2000 data exchange formats for still imagery (i.e.This document is the basis for the GML in JPEG2000 encoding standard v2.0 and a future format extension for WCS.Suggested additions, changes, and comments on this candidate standard are welcomed and encouraged.

OGC announces new Geospatial User Feedback Standards Working Group

Members of the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC®) have formed an OGC Geospatial User Feedback Standards Working Group (SWG).The OGC Geospatial User Feedback SWG charter can be downloaded from GeoViQua User Feedback Model ( offers a starting point for this discussion.OGC standards support interoperable solutions that geo-enable the Web, wireless and location-based services, and mainstream IT.OGC standards empower technology developers to make geospatial information and services useful with any application that needs to be geospatially enabled.

OGC’s final call for sponsors of major location information interoperability testbed

The OGC is now planning OGC Testbed 11.The next Sponsors Planning meeting for OGC Testbed 11 is planned for 1100 EDT US on 16 July 2014.Discussion among prospective Testbed 11 sponsors has been underway for several months to collect ideas and firm up requirements.OGC testbed sponsors benefit in many ways.The value of OGC testbed sponsors and participants investment in standards development is further leveraged by the OGCs close coordination with other standards organizations.

OGC seeks comment on charter for new Urban Planning Domain Working Group

An OGC Urban Planning Domain Working Group (SWG) is being chartered to define the role for OGC standards and related activities within the Urban Planning Discipline and to provide an open forum for the discussion and presentation of interoperability requirements, use cases, pilots, and implementations of OGC standards in this domain.Also, these technologies are permanent and rapidly evolving elements of life in modern cities, which makes them subjects for urban studies and urban planning.The OGC Urban Planning Domain Working Group intends to discover requirements for open geospatial standards in information systems involved in the planning, design, use, maintenance and governance of publicly accessible spaces.Requirements presented and discussed in OGC Domain Working Groups are typically addressed in existing or yet-to-be chartered OGC Standards Working Groups and in the OGCs collaborative activities with other standards development organizations.OGC standards support interoperable solutions that geo-enable the Web, wireless and location-based services, and mainstream IT.

OGC Academic Summit 2014 – Call for Presentations

3 July 2014 – The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) has issued a call for presentations and presentation abstracts at the inaugural OGC Academic Summit 2014.The OGC Academic Summit will be held 15-16 September 2014 at the University of Calgary in Alberta, Canada as part of the September OGC Technical Committee Meeting.Selected papers will be accepted for publication in a special issue of the ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information (IJGI) that the editors will publish for the OGC Academic Summit 2014.The organizers of the OGC Academic Summit welcome presentations that advance knowledge and understanding in any of these thematic areas.Academic Summit attendees will have an opportunity to network with OGC member representatives from around the world and participate directly in OGC working groups, plenary sessions, dinners and outings.

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