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The OGC Seeks Participants in a WaterML 2.0 Ratings, Gaugings and Cross-Sections Interoperability Experiment

The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) invites participation in the Ratings, Gaugings and Cross-Sections Interoperability Experiment (RGSIE), which will further develop and test the current OGC WaterML 2.0 Part 2 candidate encoding standard.This candidate OGC standard is currently available as an OGC public discussion paper ( candidate OGC standard defines a draft information model for exchanging rating tables and the observational data used in development of these rating tables.The OGC WaterML 2.0 Part 1: Time Series Encoding Standard ( was adopted by the OGC membership as an official OGC standard in 2012.An OGC Interoperability Experiment is a rapid, low overhead, formally structured OGC-facilitated activity in which members achieve specific technical objectives that further the OGC Technical Baseline.

The OGC requests comment on the candidate standard, OGC® OpenSearch Geo and Time Extensions

13 November 2013 – The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC®) is seeking comments on the candidate standard, OGC® OpenSearch Geo and Time Extensions.This document extends the implementation of the popular OpenSearch technologies so that users can take advantage of the geospatial search capabilities enabled by OGC standards.The OGC® OpenSearch Geo and Time Extensions candidate standard provides a very simple way to configure OpenSearch for spatial and temporal queries over distributed repositories of contents having geographic and time properties, and for syndication of these search results in one large index.The following organizations submitted this document to the Open Geospatial Consortium:Terradue SrlFGDCFortiusOne, Inc.EDINACubewerx Inc.Download the candidate OGC OpenSearch Geo and Time Extensions Standard from Standards support interoperable solutions that geo-enable the Web, wireless and location-based services, and mainstream IT.

The OGC forms working group to advance spatial standards in health domain

4 November 2013 – At the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC®) Technical Committee plenary meeting on 26 September, the Technical Committee approved the charter for a new OGC Health Domain Working Group (DWG).In 2010 the OGC partnered with technological, health, and research organizations on a three-year research project funded through the European Commissions 7th Framework Program.Initiators of the OGC Health Domain Working Group include ESRI; IOSB Fraunhofer; Eddie Oldfield, an Individual Member of the OGC; The SI Organization and the UK Met Office.Members of the public can follow the activities of the OGC Health DWG, make comments, and subscribe to the Health DWG listserv at the OGC Health DWG web page.OGC standards support interoperable solutions that geo-enable the Web, wireless and location-based services, and mainstream IT.

The OGC requests comment on the candidate I15 standard providing ebRIM extension to OGC Catalog Services Interface Standard

31 October 2013 – The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC®) is seeking comments on the candidate OGC standard, OGC I15 (ISO19115 Metadata) Extension Package of the OGC Catalogue Services 2.0 (CS-W) ebRIM Profile.The OGC Catalogue Services Standard establishes a general framework for implementing catalogue services used for publishing and discovering geospatial data and geoprocessing services.The candidate I15 standard provides an extension package aligned with the ebRIM application profile of CS-W for the cataloguing of data and services whose metadata implements ISO geospatial metadata standards.Download the candidate OGC I15 (ISO19115 Metadata) Extension Package of the OGC Catalogue Services 2.0 (CS-W) ebRIM Profile at approved by the OGC Membership, all OGC standards are free and publicly available.

The OGC Seeks Comments on Candidate GeoPackage Encoding Standard

30 October 2013 – The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC®) seeks final “last-call” public comments on the current draft of the candidate OGC GeoPackage (GPKG) Encoding Standard.The candidate OGC GeoPackage Encoding Standard provides an open, non-proprietary, platform-independent SQLite container for distribution and direct use of all kinds of geospatial data, including vector features and tile matrix sets.The candidate OGC GeoPackage Encoding Standard can be downloaded from .OGC will also release the candidate OGC GeoPackage (GPKG) Encoding Standard on GitHub, a web-based hosting service for software development projects, on 1 November 2013.The GeoPackage SWG will consider change requests for the candidate GeoPackage Standard that have been posted through 8 November 2013.

The OGC requests comment on proposal to update ISO 19107:2003 Geographic information – Spatial

The OGC requests comment on proposal to update ISO 19107:2003 Geographic information – Spatial29 October 2013 – The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC®) is seeking comments on a draft NWIP (New Work Item Proposal) package intended for submission to ISO TC211 to kick off a project to update ISO 19107:2003 Geographic information – Spatial Schema.19107 is also used by other standards organizations that use OGC standards directly as a cited source or that mimic OGC structures.The ISO will provide a formal response to the OGC that will be published before the ISO standard is put to a final vote as an International Standard.OGC Standards support interoperable solutions that geo-enable the Web, wireless and location-based services, and mainstream IT.OGC Standards empower technology developers to make geospatial information and services accessible and useful with any application that needs to be geospatially enabled.

The Open Geospatial Consortium and TM Forum agree to jointly address location information issues in the telecommunications industry

Mark Reichardt, president and CEO of the Open Geospatial Consortium, explained, Location and the communications infrastructure are linked in emergency management, cyber security, Building Information Models, transportation and many other domains.Given this reality, there are many areas in which TM Forum and the OGC can work together to advance our respective missions.OGC standards support interoperable solutions that geo-enable the Web, wireless and location-based services and mainstream IT.About TM Forum: With over 900 member companies, TM Forum is the largest global trade association focused on bringing together the digital ecosystem, including communication service providers, digital service providers and enterprises, with the goal of enabling an open digital world.For more information about TM Forum, visit

OGC partners with TECTERRA in hosting geospatial investment event

10 October 2013 – The OGC and TECTERRA invite resource industry professionals to the Opening Doors, Connecting Business event, Tuesday, 5 November 2013.TECTERRA, along with the OGC, is proud to host the Opening Doors, Connecting Business event.Our uncomplicated investment and grant programs are building blocks designed to reduce risk and support companies through each phase of product development and commercialization.OGC standards support interoperable solutions that geo-enable the Web, wireless and location-based services, and mainstream IT.OGC standards empower technology developers to make geospatial information and services accessible and useful with any application that needs to be geospatially enabled.

DigitalGlobe becomes a Principal Member of the Open Geospatial Consortium

The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC®) is pleased to announce that DigitalGlobe has raised its membership level from Technical Committee level to Principal level.“The work the OGC does in creating open source standards for geospatial information is key to what we do at DigitalGlobe,” said Walter Scott, Founder and Chief Technology Officer at DigitalGlobe.About DigitalGlobeDigitalGlobe is a leading provider of commercial high-resolution earth observation and advanced geospatial solutions that help decision makers better understand our changing planet in order to save lives, resources and time.About the OGCThe OGC is an international consortium of more than 475 companies, government agencies, research organizations, and universities participating in a consensus process to develop publicly available geospatial standards.OGC standards empower technology developers to make geospatial information and services accessible and useful with any application that needs to be geospatially enabled.

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