Related Content: Cloud Native

Cloud over a lake, with text overlay "seeking public comment on FlatGeobuf becoming an OGC Community Standard"

OGC seeks Public Comment on FlatGeobuf becoming a Community Standard

FlatGeobuf is a performant binary encoding for geographic data that works well as a “cloud native” lossless format for vector data.

Public comment sought on formation of GeoZarr SWG

OGC to form GeoZarr Standards Working Group; Public Comment sought on draft Charter

A GeoZarr Standard developed by the SWG will establish flexible and inclusive conventions for the cloud-native Zarr format that meet the diverse requirements of the geospatial domain.

Funding available for creating GeoParquet Developer Resources

OGC has opened a Call For Proposals to receive funding to develop resources to assist implementers of the Standard and support the creation of a robust GeoParquet ecosystem.

Public comment requested on adoption of STAC and STAC API as community standards

OGC Seeks Public Comment on Adoption of STAC and STAC API as Community Standards

The SpatioTemporal Asset Catalog (STAC) is an open specification designed to improve the discovery, accessibility, and interoperability of geospatial data.

OGC API - Common Part 1: Core adopted as official OGC Standard

OGC API – Common – Part 1: Core Adopted as Official OGC Standard

OGC API – Common specifies reusable building blocks that can be used in the construction of OGC API or other other resource-specific Web API Standards.

Insights from Innovation Days 2023

At OGC Innovation Days 2023, members of the climate, disaster, and emergency resilience and response communities gathered to explore what OGC-enabled geospatial technologies have made possible and to answer the question: what does OGC need to do next?