Related Content: FAIR Principles

How OGC Contributes to FAIR Geospatial Data

Standards are a key element of the FAIR Principles of Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability, and Reusability. As such, the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) has been supporting the FAIR Principles for geospatial information since its formation 30 years ago. This blog post offers an overview of select OGC Standards and components that support FAIRness in geospatial data.

OGC to host European Innovation Days at Data Week Leipzig '23

OGC to host European Innovation Days and more at Data Week Leipzig ‘23

As part of GeoE3, OGC will present on Data Spaces, The European Green Deal, Urban Platforms, Semantics, and FAIR data and services.

Insights from Innovation Days 2023

At OGC Innovation Days 2023, members of the climate, disaster, and emergency resilience and response communities gathered to explore what OGC-enabled geospatial technologies have made possible and to answer the question: what does OGC need to do next?

GO-PEG Practicing FAIRness for Geospatial and Cross-border Data Workshop

The workshop will illustrate methodology we used to implement the FAIR principles and assess the FAIRness of the spatial datasets produced by the project. Five speeches by…

Innovation Days DC

Innovation Days DC is the premier annual Open Geospatial Consortium meeting in Washington, DC. The theme of the 2024 meeting is Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) Futures.

Testbed 19 Demonstration Days

The Testbed-19 Demonstration Days will showcase working demonstrations of the new levels of location interoperability developed during Testbed-19 across its 6 topics.