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Climate Resilience Pilot

The objective of this pilot is to accelerate our collective readiness for accessing, fusing and analyzing data from the climate change modeling community with earth observation and social science data to contribute to the global push for achieving climate resilience. Our goal is to develop a reliable foundation for decision ready data services for climate change adaptation actions. For this purpose, OGC members engaged in this pilot will develop a series of demonstrators that show the integration and combined exploitation of climate data, EO data, and data from the social sciences.

Disaster Pilot 2021

OGC Disaster Pilot: Online and Offline Data Availability for First Responders prototyped provision of earth observation, health, and other critical data to field personnel and first responders during an emergency, leveraging multiple sources of earth observation data through hybrid EO exploitation cloud platforms, provisioning field personnel with GeoPackage data containers and GeoPackage viewers in both online and offline modes, and keeping both relief personnel and the public informed through web search optimization of disaster-relevant information.

Disaster Pilot 2023

OGC Disaster Pilot: Apply spatial data sharing standards together with Web technologies and cloud computing so that the responsible stakeholders can work together wherever they are located, use relevant data wherever they are stored, and manage every phase of a disaster at any scale wherever it threatens. In a global, cloud-scale disaster information ecosystem, awareness of threats, vulnerabilities, and impacts can be fostered and shared through joint development of workflow recipes that integrate and transform analysis-ready observation and prediction data (ARD) into decision ready indicators (DRI). Indicator workflows, ready to run and adaptable to each situation, provide the guidance that the right people at the right time in the right place need to make decisions, take actions, and improve disaster outcomes.

CLINT – Climate Intelligence

The main objective of CLINT is the development of an Artificial Intelligence framework (Climate Intelligence) composed of Machine Learning techniques and algorithms to process big climate datasets for improving Climate Science in the detection, causation and attribution of Extreme Events, including tropical cyclones, heatwaves and warm nights, and extreme droughts, along with compound events and concurrent extremes (see Box 1). The CLINT AI framework will also cover the quantification of the EE impacts on a variety of socio-economic sectors under historical, forecasted and projected climate conditions, and across different spatial scales, from the whole European to the local scale, ultimately developing innovative and sectorial AI-enhanced Climate Services. Finally, these services will be operationalized into Web Processing Services, according to most advanced open data and software standards by Climate Services Information Systems, and into a Demonstrator to facilitate the uptake of project results by public and private entities for research and Climate Services development.

Disaster Pilot 2023 Demo Webinar

Join us for the Disaster Pilot 2023 Demo Day Webinar to see the results and achievements of the Disaster Pilot. Register today!