Related Content: OGC API – Features

OGC API – Features

Overview OGC API standards define modular API building blocks to spatially enable Web APIs in a consistent way. The OpenAPI specification is used to define…

OGC Seeks Public Comment on OGC API – Features – Parts 4 & 5

Part 4 defines API building blocks that allow geospatial resources to be added to, replaced, modified and/or removed; while Part 5 specifies how to describe data using a logical schema.

Esri’s ArcGIS enables thousands of datasets, maps, and apps for location

Article Contributed by Adam Martin, ESRI Open standards aren’t just about efficiency. They allow organizations across the globe to share information effectively and securely, and…

Data Exchange ISO Sprint Blog Banner

Reflections on the 2022 Joint OGC & ISO Code Sprint – The Metadata Code Sprint

Over the past two decades, standards such as ISO 19115:2003 and the OGC Catalog Services for the Web (CSW) have been integrated into several Spatial…

Hexagon on the value of collaboration, Standards, and OGC Membership

Hexagon’s long-time support of OGC and our Standards, including our family of OGC APIs, has enabled the Company to learn from, collaborate with, and support the broader geospatial community, while also improving their product offering and being one of the first to market with support for the latest generation of geospatial standards.

Bringing STAC into OGC

Over three years ago, a small group of OGC members working on the next version of the venerable Web Feature Service (WFS) standard started the…