Related Content: OGC API – Records

OGC Requests Public Comment on OGC API – Records – Part 1: Core

New OGC API makes geospatial resources Findable by standardizing the way that collections of descriptive information (metadata) about the resources is exposed.

The 2022 Joint OGC OSGeo ASF Code Sprint – How it went!

Over the past decade, geospatial technologies and data have become more widespread in use and application. A key catalyst for the increased uptake of geospatial…

How OGC Contributes to FAIR Geospatial Data

Standards are a key element of the FAIR Principles of Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability, and Reusability. As such, the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) has been supporting the FAIR Principles for geospatial information since its formation 30 years ago. This blog post offers an overview of select OGC Standards and components that support FAIRness in geospatial data.

INSPIRE and OGC APIs – Modernizing INSPIRE

Within the broader context of the European Strategy for Data, the Joint Research Centre (the European Commission’s science and knowledge service) is collaborating with the EU Member States…

Data Exchange ISO Sprint Blog Banner

Reflections on the 2022 Joint OGC & ISO Code Sprint – The Metadata Code Sprint

Over the past two decades, standards such as ISO 19115:2003 and the OGC Catalog Services for the Web (CSW) have been integrated into several Spatial…

How’s the weather up there?

One of Canada’s oldest government institutions, MSC, is also one to keep up with the times by using the latest technologies in its quest to help Canadians make informed decisions about their health and safety and economic prosperity.