Related Content: Sensors

INSPIRE and OGC APIs – Modernizing INSPIRE

Within the broader context of the European Strategy for Data, the Joint Research Centre (the European Commission’s science and knowledge service) is collaborating with the EU Member States…

Three reasons why New Space is valuable to the location community – and vice-versa

“Everybody has to have an interest in solving global problems. Unless one has entirely lost touch with reality. – And such people do exist.” Dennis…

7 Key Takeaways from the OGC Climate Change Special Session

Article contributed by Steve Liang, SensorUp “If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it.” The quote is originally from management consultant Peter Drucker and…

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All Data for Green Deal

The project will work towards solutions supporting the generation and test of a data space for green deal related use cases, such as air quality, biodiversity and climate changes. OGC standards will be essential to support interoperability and FAIR solutions.

Citizen Science Interoperability Experiment

The first phase of the interoperability experiment focuses on the use of SOS as a standard service to distribute data coming from citizen science observations. This idea is based in the COBWEB recommendation to use the classical OGC services in the Sensor Web Enablement. The second phase now focuses on SensorThingsAPI and OpenAPI in general.

ILIAD – Digital Twin of the Ocean

Digital Twin of the Ocean builds a federated, multidimensional representation of the maritime and oceanic ecosystem. The initiative covers the value chain from the smart IoT, satellite Earth Observations, and Citizen Science data to decision-ready information and knowledge. OGC is involved in the standards-based DTO data management APIs definition built on the OGC APIs framework and semantic interoperability of the APIs, Citizen Science, and thematic domains. Finally, we are leading standardization and best practice tasks to enable building the solution in the ecosystem of the Digital Twin of the Earth