Related Content: STAC

Public comment requested on adoption of STAC and STAC API as community standards

OGC Seeks Public Comment on Adoption of STAC and STAC API as Community Standards

The SpatioTemporal Asset Catalog (STAC) is an open specification designed to improve the discovery, accessibility, and interoperability of geospatial data.

Towards a cloud native OGC part 2

Towards a Cloud-Native Geospatial standards baseline

Article Contributed by Chris Holmes, OGC Visiting Fellow – In my previous post I laid out the vision for Cloud-Native Geospatial, but with this post, I…

Towards a cloud native OGC Part 1

Towards a Cloud-Native OGC

Article Contributed by Chris Holmes, OGC Visiting Fellow – About six months ago I started as the first ‘Visiting Fellow’ of the Open Geospatial Consortium. It’s been…

How OGC Contributes to FAIR Geospatial Data

Standards are a key element of the FAIR Principles of Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability, and Reusability. As such, the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) has been supporting the FAIR Principles for geospatial information since its formation 30 years ago. This blog post offers an overview of select OGC Standards and components that support FAIRness in geospatial data.

The latest on cloud native at OGC

The Latest on Cloud-Native Geospatial Standards in OGC

OGC Chief Standards Officer, Scott Simmons, digs into the elements of the cloud ecosystem that OGC is addressing: interfaces, applications, encodings, and operations.

Bringing STAC into OGC

Over three years ago, a small group of OGC members working on the next version of the venerable Web Feature Service (WFS) standard started the…